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Mr. Green Gaming


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About Deftoy

  • Birthday 12/20/1994

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  1. Haha ok sorry. Didnt know that.
  2. Another one to ban: NRGTik Reason: camping spawns all the time
  3. Got another good one for mr green. surf_monster
  4. Be patient haha but there stands evryone is able to join xd but nvm xD il be patient (:
  5. yea and what is the ip?
  6. hahaha i meand maps XDD soz, i always say it wrong xd its because of my little brother, he always say server for maps and maps for servers... and i think i've taken it over xD ye i know servers aren't maps x) I wonna help
  7. I think we really need to start with new maps again, i can onley say the server is loosing much players. I think with new maps it would be better. Look my topic. Got 11 new tested maps for mr green and if you would ask me wich maps need to be removed. Then it is: surf_Legends_lite surf_110b_austinpowers surf_greatriver_V4 surf_ny_momentum surf_Matrix_V8 surf_ember surf_year3000 surf_hyper_tension_V2 surf_ywa_hellaworld_b4 surf_thrill3r_final surf_rebel_resistance_final3 surf_japan_reloaded surf_f0rbidden_ways_2nd surf_bathroom_final surf_akai_f1n4l Lol thats all bit much I know but its also because not many of these map get played much. Like ember, evryone always starts rtving directly because 80% of server isn't really good in surf... And half of these maps isnt the jail fun or the surfing, just my opinion
  8. eww didnt knew there was already topic for openend. got own topic with 11 tested maps
  9. Ok so, damek and me(Deftoy), Have been searching for new maps, we founded 11. This is the list: surf_buzzkill2 surf_XIV_V2a surf_greatriver_xdre4m surf_bigramp_V2a surf_phenomenon surf_torque surf_gamez surf_green_impact_fix surf_dust2008_double_V2 surf_greatcanal surf_awp I hope u add some of these to the server. Because we really need more maps and more players again... « Crew Clavus: Fixed your title »
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