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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by pRince

  1. Inbetweeners How not to live your life Family Guy Futurama
  2. Haha, Atleast we share some common interests
  3. Slow. Look at first page. Umm how is that slow when the topic is "Your Favourite guns"
  4. You can't beat the SA80, best british weapon out there, although it had major problems due to it breaking, the new and Improved SA80 has come along way. The Lee Enfield Rifle from WW1 in which the British used. Brilliant rifle for it's day And the Almighty AS50 British Sniper Rifle.
  5. Just for your sanity, I don't think the real Akina Tenshi would use language like this. You should just ban both accounts and contact this user's ISP. I'm soo confused.
  6. Ah didn't see that mate. And yeah, I tend to come on your ZS server and TF2 now and again, I also knew Mayco from when I played on your ZS server about 3 years ago, however I went by a different name back then and he probably doesn't remember me haha. If you don't want me posting on your forum then just say and I will stop
  7. Ok cool, just out of interest, was it the same for both accounts created on the forum?
  8. You could always check her IP address, but seems it's legit as confirmed by VforV
  9. Actually they can get anywhere up to 50mb or more for
  10. pRince


    My hobbies include discussing politics and world domination, while drinking the finest whiskey and smoking cigars rolled with money that are lit using valuable crude oil. On a more serious note, C++, web design and all of the above.
  11. At the end of the day it's not my decision and I'm sure your system is great when it comes to accepting Admins, take no notice of me lol Edit: Just read the post above and noticed you edited, Your a cool guy Chainsawman and I'm glad we could have a discussion without killing each other in the process
  12. Thats why you don't consider Admin applications until they are well known or active on the forum.
  13. As a guest on servers, I feel Admins should be recruited for the reason Hundred2 specified: However, I don't see why people shouldn't be considered for Admin just because they are "quiet" It seems pointless to reject possible Admins just because they are quieter than yourself or other Admins for that matter. Surely taking on the role of maintaining the server(s) is better than none, am I right?
  14. Quiet = Not capable?
  15. I have had this problem many times so the best thing to do would be to check your graphics card temperature. If it's at 80 degrees you know you have a serious problem. As a side note, I ignored this error and kept tabbing into and out of steam friends to get rid of it whilst in-game. I then found out my graphics card was over heating. Hope that gives you a small idea of what could be causing it.
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