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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. /me tips hat
  2. I was just wondering if it's good to have server admins who repeatedly state and persist on their racist opinions in the public server chat. As an example I was just popping in on the server when p0wer had an interesting conversation with someone else on how he thinks that "niggers" are worth less than others and that NL would be better off without them. But then again of what value are my accusations without any proof? meh...
  3. In case you want the Mr.Green MTA server to be represented by a narrowminded racist then this is your man!
  4. Mr.Hankey


  5. doh Anyway I'll report that bug but as it seems to happen very rarely I guess it needs some time to track down.
  6. thats called: "fake players" to make the servers popular. You can't even get fake players at MTA (at least not that easy). Also are you sure that this pic where you're 39th was taken on the Mr.Green server and not at e.g SIK?
  7. Even if MTA had access to the GTA source (which was never publically confirmed) it's obviously a more professional mod that doesn't try to make money from their players by any means and gets a lot updates recently.
  8. Samp was banned from moddb and i really can't think of any reason why it would deserve it more
  9. Our keenest dreams came true! MTA made it into the top 100 of the infamous Mod Of The Year Awards at moddb.com! So go and get your ass up, click that big button and vote for us or you'll receive a poopy and smelly slap from me You might also want to check out some other news that have been published on the MTA website recently.
  10. Thats because the converter that has been used on most of the maps has failed to convert the respawn time in some(most?) cases and now they just default to no-rs
  11. Actually the code for applying a standard handling.cfg and customizing handling through scripting funcs is already there but well somehow it got broken during DP3 days. I already tried fixing it up but thats a kind of more advanced topic so i guess we will have to wait for MTA 1.1 or 1.2 as these are the next feature releases.
  12. Maps are a problem in general. The only real solution i see is starting from scratch by removing nearly all maps and just keeping a few selected once. We can then start to add (also old) maps again. Nevertheless I'm going to write such an afk auto-kicker as idlers would still be annoying
  13. This and a few other pretty cool maps that are built with custom models are availble here: http://community.mtasa.com/index.php?p=res...tails&id=35 (going from race-bansheeboardwalkdune to race-wormholeinfernus)
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