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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Milan

  1. Fixed. Stinky_Tokyo Drift.zip
  2. Stinky_Tokyo Drift Stinky_Tokyo Drift.zip
  3. There have maps or only one person over the map and yet they are .. I think it's not very fair to deny this map for that .. Andfor Apocalypse?
  4. The maps have been modified from the board Yoshi, I did the best. Stinky_Apocalypse 2012!.zip Stinky_Loquendo.zip
  5. In this case if necessary to make new maps or can play, we make a map in a straight line and then finish - ".
  6. it does not always give me the reason for denial of my maps - ".
  7. Says what's wrong instead of rejecting all like that - "we can see very well after you have a screen that is rotten your worries, I just have to change the time but hey - 'after ca become too simple. You are never happy anyway - "!
  8. New map that involves simple as mapping the original map. Stinky_Loquendo Stinky_Loquendo.zip Stinky_Apocalypse 2012!.zip
  9. Ce n'est pas parce que Bin n'arrive pas à finir les maps que ce sont des maps difficile :x. Si j'arrive à les finir c'est que c'est possible.
  10. Bah non mais Mr Slayer n'aime pas les maps difficile!
  11. A new map of my resume Or Death Race map, made ​​easier with a little more detail may, without the skins or the music, the gearbox has been removed, however, texture was added, the download is very short . Stinky_Apocalypse 2012!.zip
  12. Tell me what kind of map you need you then? A sudden they are too hard, too suddenly download, once they are too boring ..
  13. Ah mais je l'es vu cet vidéo déj

  14. If I remove the download, which you would take the maps?
  15. Ton lien ne mène a rien :/

  16. Why are other maps have been refused to made​​?*
  17. Here, the map and Live To Night Starsky and Hutch. Yes, I'll follow the advice of pondfiller. I gives Stinky_Mazda Drift, I forgot a line in the meta. Why are other maps have been refused to made​​?* Here is a new map, which runs by boat and by motorcycle and car. The video is coming soon. Stinky_The Power. Stinky_Live To Night.zip Stinky_Starsky et Hutch.zip Stinky_The Power.zip Stinky_Mazda Drift.zip
  18. Je ne le prends pas mal, t'inquiète, tu as raison, c'est ce que je vais faire .
  19. What you talking ramp on the map, Stinky Live To night? If I change the map starsky and hutch for the stunt, you take it?
  20. Okay, I understand your point of view. N°14 Here is a small map I made just before, I find very nice ^ ^. N°15 It is a small map made ​​on the subject of TV series "Starsky and Hutch," with the same model of vehicle, a Ford Torino and the music of the credits. The texutre will be present on the server after you Bin, so I shot like that ^ ^. N°16 It is a small map inspired by the end of the movie "Fast and Furious 5" rolling on the side, nice and simple little map ^ ^. N°17. This map is a map drift, the vehicle caught gtainside is a Mazda RX7. Music: Bastos - Again and Again BIN! The download you may seem heavy, but in reality it is done very quickly, the time to "Waiting for Others players" the download is complete. In addition, the map can be played without downloading. I just noticed that the video is completely messing up the end of the map is at the beginning of the video ect .. Video does not take into account too ^ ^. N°18 Stinky_Live To Night A small friendly map to in the night, a really accurate profit from an errand. Fail in my videos, are the loss of FPS because of Fraps. N°19. Stinky_Death Race. Stinky_Death Race, is to race at the airport in LV, four players will be designated according to their spawn in an attempt to destroy the vehicles in the race. I is not done video for this map, I do not see the point being that only give tours around the airport and there have no tank running since I am alone. N°20. Stinky_Driving in Los Santos. A small map that is to ride in Los Santos, with some little stunt and some small obstacle. N°21 Stinky_Closed map. Stinky_Rolls on the side.zip Stinky_Starsky et Hutch.zip Stinky_Yamakasi map.zip Stinky_Mazda Drift.zip Stinky_Live To Night.zip Stinky_Death Race.zip Stinky_Driving in Los Santos.zip Stinky_Closed map.zip
  21. For BinSlayer Stinky_race or death.zip
  22. This map is not copied to the opposite of what you think BinSlayer, CsenaHun may be able to confirm this, because it was he who helped me set up the gearbox! The download link from the map is in the post above.
  23. Good map Bro'!
  24. Wrong! Before it worked very well has 32 ​​slots
  25. I shoot a 45 fps all the time, it's really a thing to do down the number of slots, because the ca become unplayable above 70.
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