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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by TheGreenGrasshopper

  1. Am i the only one a little bit confused? Other than that, nice app... I guess... Not very long though how do you mean a bit confusing? I ment that if I'm on the ctf server and my brothers joins I get disconnected for some weird reason. He bought TF2 to a couple of weeks ago, I got tired of him using my account XD
  2. maybe he just want to show his skills in killing you
  3. Gameserver: TF2 (cp/ctf the most) Age:15 Country: Belgium So hey, I'm the green grasshopper and I live in Belgium( Limburg if anyone wants to know it more specific). I'm 15 year olds and turning 16 in December, it sucks most times that my birthday is at the end of the year. I've got 2 brothers and one plays tf2 to, not on the Mr. Green server because for some reason we can't join the same server. I'm a relaxed player that doesn't rage on people unless there is a good reason for it and I do what seems best for my team and the other players. I have been admin for JSGG for over a year until the group split up( not my fault btw) and I never had complaints. I hate hackers/hacking/griefers just like you...I hope. I know that the admins of the tf2 server are on alot (I'm talking about Axon, Wixern, botervlootje, Ywa,...) but when they aren't on someone could fill that hole and it's not like you have to pay for me. -I don't abuse my powers ever and I'm not some guy that would give some extra power to friends -I'm still gonna play on Mr. green's tf2 servers even if I don't get admin (it's the fun that matters right) -I'm incappable of donating or paying because I don't have a creditcard or anything. (just so you know) -if you need any info just ask I'm happy to help, really I would be delighted cause in my last group they put me in a corner -.- Thx for reading you guys. The Green Grasshopper
  4. You guys do always team up and win, not that I don't mind if the losing team would listen to me once in a while. scramble would be nice but it'll probably scramble the teams so they both look horribly wrong, besides joining the regular team is good for my points XD
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