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Mr. Green Gaming

Luke Nukem

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Posts posted by Luke Nukem

  1. Hypocrite? I've never said anything in any of the other threads about it.

    It's clear you'er using a stupid argument here, Corby.

    I was talking about all of you as whole, Ive not met one person here who doesnt like people combat logging. But its suddenly reasonable when your friend does it.


    Good argument back, I don't need to provide evidence for every single ban, I was approved this status upon trust that I could do the right thing. Hackers would be everywhere if I had to screenshot/video everyone. Now please get out of this topic, you are NOT involved.

    He is apart of the Prodiguild therefore I am involved. Lets just say the words above this topic are not stated so what's that Sir?

    I rest my case.

    You can't argue and take advantage of the fact you friend posted within the wrong section. Common sense much? You could relate everyone who plays the MC server in some way. It doesn't matter that he is in your guild. You WERENT present at the moment of banning NOR had any influence on the banning itself. So stop acting like a little childlike smart-ass and butt out.

    No thanks I shall still stick by what I have said till an admin lawfully posts photographic evidence of him doing the things he has done ' Apparently ' I will not believe you until Awesomeo has these magic photos of a member of mine re logging up on the forums. Before you call me for being a hypocrite I call it doing what a friend does for another. I did say I rarely help out friends that have been banned as it's there problem, but a friendly hand is not wrong now is it?

    Show me where it says I have to have proof for banning? and while your at it, show me where all the others asked for evidence of their bans too.

    Stop bringing the others into it. I was simply asking for evidence to his combat logging so you ether have it or you don't? Without evidence there is no banning, yes?

  2. Define:Evidence.

    Good argument back, I don't need to provide evidence for every single ban, I was approved this status upon trust that I could do the right thing. Hackers would be everywhere if I had to screenshot/video everyone. Now please get out of this topic, you are NOT involved.

    He is apart of the Prodiguild therefore I am involved. Lets just say the words above this topic are not stated so what's that Sir?

    I rest my case.

    You can't argue and take advantage of the fact you friend posted within the wrong section. Common sense much? You could relate everyone who plays the MC server in some way. It doesn't matter that he is in your guild. You WERENT present at the moment of banning NOR had any influence on the banning itself. So stop acting like a little childlike smart-ass and butt out.

    No thanks I shall still stick by what I have said till an admin lawfully posts photographic evidence of him doing the things he has done ' Apparently ' I will not believe you until Awesomeo has these magic photos of a member of mine re logging up on the forums. Before you call me for being a hypocrite I call it doing what a friend does for another. I did say I rarely help out friends that have been banned as it's there problem, but a friendly hand is not wrong now is it?

  3. Define:Evidence.

    Good argument back, I don't need to provide evidence for every single ban, I was approved this status upon trust that I could do the right thing. Hackers would be everywhere if I had to screenshot/video everyone. Now please get out of this topic, you are NOT involved.

    He is apart of the Prodiguild therefore I am involved. Lets just say the words above this topic are not stated so what's that Sir?

    I rest my case.

  4. Minky make sure a map vote is set up after Dustbowl to give players a wider range of maps to play from as Dustbowl may get boring after. We know that this was a Dustbowl event, but after the match is played just run a map vote and so fourth.

  5. Clavus I am rather sorry about the short notice as I have been tied under with quite a few networking assignments at college as I have finished for Christmas now. I will tell your shortly as Louis shall be online rather soonish. Again I will contact you with the basics.

    I would come, but not sure if i can in time, so i let somebody else take the slot :)

    (Also i would just buck up there xD. Haven't played TF2 in some time)

    Go online before hand and practice bro.

  6. I don't want to be seen as a controlling person and the rule might not stick depending on what Minky says. This rule might not be liked by you, but we have to put it forward to others as well to see what the majority think about it. If Sentry abuse at the start is high then the rule might be in action as a warning, but no bans or kicks will result in spamming sents it's basically a warning telling the teams to stop it or lower the amount. I have got round a 5 sentry spam before so we shall see how it plays out first.

  7. You must admit it though. 5 sentries all spamming the spawn does get quite annoying I am only doing it for everyone's benefit, not ours as some teams do it as they are rubbish at defending with other classes.

    Edit: Hardly map control more like sentry abuse and spawn trapping.

  8. 4, No sentry spamming spawns as it's unfair AND ANNOYING ( Peon )

    Ever heard of spies? There, problem solved.

    Seriously, this rule is pointless in my opinion.

    I have no problems with the other rules.

    Pyros = Spy checks I will be doing that for sure. I mean it as in stopping on the spawn for 30 minutes we get bored and leave = Rage quitting. So please keep the amount of sentries down to prevent people from raging.

  9. 1, No admins will be using their powers and if so it will result in an instant loss and a win to the opposite team. ( Clavus )

    2, No buffs will be allowed for this event due to unfair advantage to new and unskilled players.

    3, No rage quitting if you are LOSING pull your team together for a team talk in the spawn.

    4, No sentry spamming spawns as it's unfair AND ANNOYING ( Peon )

    5, Any hacking caught also involves and an instant loss such as RULE 1.


    Luke Nukem, see you out on the fields x

    Edit: Rule 4 is not map controlling it's simply preventing spawn trapping.

  10. I normally do not help others by saying that they didn't, but I have no evidence. Ben only comes on once every two weeks or so which means he has no need to combat log and no further reports have been made about him doing so. Clavus if you are reading this unban him please. Also I am not pretending to be his mum for one :D

  11. Pics or it didn't happen? Plus the spamming client would of banned him instantly. On the other hand the admins can see previous chats so it will be dealt with later today. Thanks for the report use evidence next time.

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