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Mr. Green Gaming

Luke Nukem

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Status Replies posted by Luke Nukem

  1. I HAS A NEW KITTY CAT!!!!!!! :DD

  2. I can't find anymore dubstep I haven't already listened to... I don't wanna fall out of love with Dubstep - Help :3

  3. I can't find anymore dubstep I haven't already listened to... I don't wanna fall out of love with Dubstep - Help :3

  4. If only I could taste the magic.
  5. "Dusts off Terraria" ooh goodie

  6. Never join if Pufulet invites you to a chat, ever !

  7. "Apparently I should become an erotic book writer" thoughts on that sentance?

  8. Stupidly over the top base that everyones gonna tell us to piss off and play on a creative server at: CHECK!

  9. Just finished Mainstory of Skyrim, its rather disappointing. Also, dont worry about finishing it, dragons will still spawn all over the map =)

  10. Stop right there, criminal scum! (Imperial guards can't do shit nooooow!)

  11. "Oh and Gordan, before I forget: I thought I saw you drop THIS back in Black Mesa..."

  12. skyrim seems nice. Gonna download it when it comes :P

  13. The Sunlight hurts my eyes!!!!!!

  14. The Sunlight hurts my eyes!!!!!!

  15. What's that sandwich? Kill them all? Good idea!

  16. What's on your mind?


  18. Can I have a sweet?

  19. My Graphic Drivers don't work and i cant install any drivers ... and i cant setup my pc from the scratch because my mom threw the windows 7 dvd away

  20. Held a youth conference/halloween party for disabled people last night (mainly schizophrenia and autism), went really well! Got lots of information and everyone had a good time! Went better than I expected :D

  21. Held a youth conference/halloween party for disabled people last night (mainly schizophrenia and autism), went really well! Got lots of information and everyone had a good time! Went better than I expected :D

  22. Held a youth conference/halloween party for disabled people last night (mainly schizophrenia and autism), went really well! Got lots of information and everyone had a good time! Went better than I expected :D

  23. Held a youth conference/halloween party for disabled people last night (mainly schizophrenia and autism), went really well! Got lots of information and everyone had a good time! Went better than I expected :D

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