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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Jeppo

  1. Well that's about time :/ I really want to know what was causing it to take so long. Maybe it's lag or something. Did you change anything in GMod recently? Hmm, I don't think so What do you mean?
  2. Just got the pop-up. Guess it's only a matter of time.. Thanks for the help, anyway
  3. I have checked, double-checked & checked again.. twice!
  4. Ok, I have now played for a few days.. still nothing! Is it possible to do it manually? With a command or something?
  5. I tried removing it, but I got the "Query failure, please contact administrator!"-message
  6. Guess i'll just have to wait then..
  7. On the GMod server. I have played 10 maps or so.. Still nothing :/
  8. In "account management" > "Steam ID request pending!". But I don't get any messages in-game?
  9. Get your Steam ID. Not your Steam Community name/ID. Use Google to get more info. Doh! Forgot the underscore.. Sorry
  10. Hi! I've tried to link my SteamID to my Mr. Green Account, but I it says Invalid Steam ID!
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