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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Wally

  1. i agree! would like to see some new maps on the server. ps: cranetop was a funny map
  2. i got heavy lag when server is full too and lots of other friends have the same problem... when the server is empty everything is fine...
  3. it works, but not really usefull. its hard to see over a long distance. but its really nice to mark a spy who gets invisible ^^
  4. maybe some people here still don't understand what we mean. we all know that there are often stacked teams, but i don't wanne complain about that. u can find players who preferr dominating the other team instead of having a great fight in every game and on every server. but since the shop made the super-charge available for many players it's even harder for a weak team to make some wins. i always join the weaker team to make the game more interesting for all players, cause i want a good game and not a rush through the the map. but on the pl-server there a bunch of players who ALWAYS join the same team and the other team has mostly no chance, this just sucks! when the game starts i always wait to look where they go to join the other team. here is just an example of what i am talking about some hours ago: (look attachment) imagine what the game would be like if michaelsson and me would have not joined the weak team. the other team had their heavies with personal super-charger and would have rush the other team like hell. even for really good players it's nearly impossible to fight this combo. the former good engie players now barly chose engie, cause they know they have no chance against the super-charge and i think thats sad. i mentioned this problem in the in-game chat and thats what's the player who mainly uses the super-charger said: RubberDuck: "all idiots dont have it" [WSK]Invade: "I payed for it " [WSK]Invade: "1 minute longer waiting to get your engi stuff destroyed?"
  5. u thought about it? there are lots of players on the PL-Server who are pissed about the whole situation...
  6. i think the best solution would be to take the super-charger out of the shop and give the player who bought it the 6500 greencoins back so they can buy other things. the medic has still two good items to buy and more people gonna play engie again. the fights on the server will become more interesting and fair again!
  7. but how we all can see it isn't balanced anymore... before the shop it was mostly engie defense vs medic offense and now nobody goes engie, cause they have no chance vs lots of super-charger. the medic will have still good items to buy without the super-charger. edit: i even don't complain that me as demo don't got even one item to buy, just delete the super-charger and everything would be fine again.
  8. read careful, the shop is ok. but the super-charger is the main reason for this problem. just take this item out of the shop and u still get ur money and i think the game will become interesting again.
  9. good teamplay and stacked teams is a big difference. rogue is right that the same players always look which team seems to be better and join it... and if it still loses they go spectator and join the other, thats just lame... i always change the team if its stacked and boring. before the shop opened i could manage to make a loosing team even win, but now this seems impossible. most people don't want a good game, they just want to make lots of points to think they are good players... but the real good players actually don't play anymore on the server because of this. i miss the I.guys and other good and fair players. please think about that, because the server is getting boring for good player who don't use the shop advantages in this unfair way many people now do. edit: and its not teamplay when a heavy has his personal super-charger which only heals him and gives him the uebers... this is EGOPLAY
  10. i just played on the pl server and there where only heavys with super-charger medics... this is so boring, the server is fucked up... nobody is going engineer anymore, mr green should be proud...
  11. i think the medic upgrades are overpowered... there are too many uebers on the the server now, its not about skill anymore imo (especially the upgraded combo heavy+medic) :-/ engineers have no chance against a team with 3 super-charger medics. what u guys think about that?
  12. correct
  13. this one is funny too ^^ 31 kills without a single death
  14. having 9 dominations in a dominating team vs unknown players is on thing, but doing this in losing team is another
  15. killed 200 soldiers yesterday would be nice to see how often u get killed by soldier too
  16. so what about the points-system? everybody agreed that it is totally unbalanced, but nothing happens... 8 players out of the top10 players are arena players and its just about the playtime to get on the top. golgotha is best example with 48h playtime last 7 days and made 38k points. with 1211 roundwins in this time he got 36.330 points, so there r only 2k points for kills etc... how to do this on pl?? even a godlike-kill give less points then one arena roundwin o_O so will u think about changes in the points-system or will it stay this unbalanced and only attractive to arena players?
  17. yes pl_dustbowl would be nice
  18. anyway the discussion about the point-system didn't finished yet. most people agree that the current system is totally unbalanced. so why dont lower the points for a round-win? or what do u think about my other idea?
  19. is it possible to divide the ranking system in two seperate rankings? on one u only get the points earned on pl- or cp-server and on the other the points u get on arena- and koth-server. on this way nothing has to be changed about the pointsystem and the problem about the difference between the points u get on pl and arena would be solved. what u think about that?
  20. a ranking-system should mirror the skills of the players and not the gametype they play.. watch the stats from the last month: http://hlstatsx.mr-green.nl/hlstats.php?mode=players&game=tf&rank_type=-2&sort=kills&sortorder=desc i have the most kills and 3,52k/d, but anway there r lots of player who got up to double the points with worse stats. thats frustrating :-/
  21. I totally agree to Crashed post! It's really frustratings as Pl-Player see the arena guys get so much more points compared to payload. You can make points on arena just by joining the winner team, even if u die every round u make +5 points. I need to make at least 3kills/death to hold my ranking and i see arena player with 1k/d who make more points then me. About crashed example i wanne add, that on pl u don't even get 30 points for every round win. as attacker u just get a "mini-round" win (5 or 15 points, dont know for sure) for the first two stages, just the final stage gives 30 points. The difference is that on Pl u get ur points through kills and on arena through round-wins, so the ranking-points cant be compared with the current point-system!
  22. why no goldrush, badwater or hoodoo in map voting? is it going to be a cp-tournament?
  23. he killed me several times with scout pistol over long distance and with heavy he hit me with every single bullet, never get killed like this before... i think he uses some kinda aiming/headshot-cheat
  24. just saw someone with an aming-cheat. here is his profile, maybe someone can ban him. thx http://hlstatsx.mr-green.nl/hlstats.php?mo...;player=236586#
  25. ...
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