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Mr. Green Gaming


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About ALV

  • Birthday 03/24/1994

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  1. hi, 3rdmap, manhunt this time : alv3.zip
  2. wow ur not the only one this has happened to me many times: cars random-jumping everywhere, and then stopping suddenly and blocking me but that only happened when my ping was like over 300. what i did is just waited for it to be normal again lol, but it took like 1 day not months like ur case :S also ive had other problem, when my ping is okay (~200) but the downloads are slow as FUCK, ex: when i pickup a nitro it appears like 20 seconds after xD what i did there was to reset my modem/internet cable and reboot my pc and it was fixed
  3. Hi again, second map: capture the flag i have to add, its a pain in the ass to place all the spawnpoints, this because i have to put the 1st and go other side of the map and put the 2nd and so on xD tell me if theres an easier method plox alv2.zip
  4. hi reach the flag : alv1.zip
  5. DM!!!!!! <3 or gather all votes and make a poll!
  6. ALV

    hidden cars

    i dont know if its hard to get but i meant, make the other players cars invisible for you just that sometimes u cant see your own car because some1 else is above/near you and the visibility is minimal
  7. yes i wonder if there is a way to put the other cars hidden, i mean only in full ghostmode maps, (would be stupid to hide cars in non-gm maps), like this : would be helpful when theres only 1 dimension at a no-gm map plus 29 players that lag u at start (for shit PC's like mine), and also my racing skills increase when theres nobody around me or when im alone because i dont get confused with the ppl
  8. ALV

    Waiting time

    the delay between maps is ok, the thing that is bullshit is the 0 ping'ers that got stuck recently in the server (like some guy called monik) that slow even more the delay cuz server has to wait for them to be ready, and then start the map countdown. that sucks in the night when there are only like 10 players ready to start, plus those 8-9 more "ghost-players" which the system takes it as theyre normal players and we have to wait more
  9. ALV

    ALV's maps :d

    ok new one: Night Above the ocean race-YUNO.rar
  10. awesome map bro, i love DM
  11. ALV

    ALV's maps :d

    yoyo new map: pics: race-ALDE.rar
  12. Hmm i dont think thats a bad idea, sounds like mario kart xD, but as bandit said i take this as a fun-race server and this feature could be enabled and disabled on some maps, same as ghostmode it can screw records aswell but only a few because they will be supposed to cost 200GC
  13. ALV


    in some maps like digital desert waka waka race and race hypnoze(at least these are the ones i played) the textures are bugged (i think its textures) for example we were playing today waka waka race and on the tunnel part the sandking went straight to the water as the following picture shows same as digital desert, it varely starts as the first part is a sphere, for some ppl the texture isnt appearing i dont know if its map side problem or mta 1.3 problem but just posting for admins to know about this and if it can be fixed or not
  14. how come there were 70 players before and not a single lag.. recently the server has been lagging, it must be another thing, i dont think its the players and also the 60-80 players in the game isnt all day, its only a certain hour.. then it goes down... it is cool how it is
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