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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. yesh i know but they walk tru it, they're unstopable
  2. Lol now they have invisible hacks with fly please do something!
  3. No listen, we didn't get killed, they were on our land and they could open all the doors and others. we didn't die
  4. A faction called BLUE have a cheat that they can open OUR doors on OUR terrain, how can they do that? I cant make a video because off then i get killed and they can build on OUR land for some reason but what i already have told "The land is from US and they can build and open doors in it!" I hope you people do something with this and i hope they will get banned. Server MineCraft.NL Our faction: Mirror They faction: Blue
  5. Let the map man, just download a multi-world plugin for PVP world and Creative world?
  6. Kevrap

    Faction report

    doesnt work
  7. Kevrap

    Faction report

    How, i got no filming program
  8. The clan "Pokemon" is using 1HitKO, xRay and that they can open all the stuff at our land! Server: Minecraft Hackers i saw: Ghanzzz and Ishibi I hope other factions/players saw them hacking too because off they are verry anoying and they can claim every land and it doesn't care where it is. Greetz, Kevrap
  9. Kevrap

    Ban request

    Server: minecraft.nl sorry
  10. Kevrap

    Ban request

    I decided to report people who are using an abnormal language, MODs and CHEATs. This dude called "Justcallmepro" has an abnormal language and my faction-friends saw it too, the problem is: We haven't any screens, os i don't know how to do it. Greets -=Faction: Tacticals=- *Kevrap* *Daan2Banaan* *Tracc* -=Server: minecraft.nl=-
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