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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by CoolJon

  1. I would like to request a limit on engineers at least in the Payload server. I was just playing, it was on badwater, and the defense had at least 6 sentry guns set up. I know this defense is beatable, but it requires a lot of team work which is hard to find on public servers. Some other servers I play on set a limit of 3 engis. It's a little annoying sometimes when all you want to do is play engi, but it makes gameplay much more balanced. I just wanted to get the management's opinion on this topic.

  2. 1. Real name and age?

    Jonanthan, I'm 21 years old

    2. Where do live?

    I'm from Illinois, USA, but I'm currently living in Germany near Stuttgart as an exchange student.

    3. Previous experince with communities and boards?

    I've been actively involved in the Stompfest gaming community for the past two years, but their servers are in the USA and I'm in Germany, so the pings suck. That's why I started looking for a European community where I could get respectable ping rates.

    4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job)

    I'm a full-time student.

    5. Go to school? If yes, studying what?

    I'm studying Mechanical Engineering and German.

    6. Describe yourself with 3 words? (looking forward to that one, lol )

    Procrastinator, organized, not pregnant.

    7. Anything else you wanna tell us?

    Origin of my screenname: During my freshman year in college, there were 5 other guys named Jon living on the floor of my dormitory so of course we all acquired some sort of nickname. I was the most chill of all 6 Jons (the others were kinda crazy), so I was called The Cool Jon.

  3. Hello all,

    My name is CoolJon. I'm from the USA, but I'm spending a year in Germany for school. As you can imagine I had a terrible ping on the servers I regularly played on in the States so I looked for some where I could play without constant lag. The Mr. Green servers came out at the top of list. I've been playing fairly regularly on the KOTH and Payload servers for the past month.

    I really enjoy the map rotation you all have set up on each server and it's nice to have choices of servers. It seems like you have a good group of regulars who really help gameplay move along.

    There's just a couple of things that I wanted to bring up just to get the management's opinion on.

    First, and I think this was mentioned in one of the other threads, can Hlstatsx please be turned off after a round win? It's bad enough with the new graphics cowering in a corner while the winning team hunts you down with all crits. I don't think it's necessary to lose or gain points for those kills. There's absolutely no skill required to kill someone with all crits when they can't even fight back so that should not be reflected by the stats.

    Second, what is the reasoning behind the fake players plugin? From my point of view it's just annoying. Usually when I see that a server has fifteen players in it I'll join it, but when it finishes loading and it turns out that there's actually no one playing, I get a little ticked off.

    Lastly, have you ever considered adding votescramble functionality? There have been a couple of times recently when the team I was on was getting completely steam-rolled and it just wasn't fun. For situations like that, votescramble can be quite helpful. If it is set to require something like 75% of votes then people from both teams would have to agree to scramble, not just those who are getting pwned.

    That's all for now. I'm looking forward to getting to know this community better over the following months.

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