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Mr. Green Gaming


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About KillerMuffin096

  • Birthday 01/01/1873

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  1. I have a mac it cant do screen shots Actually, Macs can do screen shots. I know because I have one, the way to take screen shots on a Mac is the exact same way that you would do it on a Windows or other PC with just one extra step in the equation. Instead of just pressing the F2 button (like you do on a PC) you must first hold the function button (looks like fn) and then press F2. The combo looks like this: fn+F2. *if that doesn't work then you just have a screwed keyboard or something... derp. :/
  2. Reality hits you hard bro.
  3. Good luck to you sir!
  4. It's not "satisfying" in the first place. We're talking about Vulgar language , not sex.
  5. pooling33 (ingame name pooling3) is a close and personal friend who I talk to, and play with all the time on minecraft, including NL, and I've asked him if he has ever used modclients or bannable texturepacks on NL. He said he hasn't and I've seen his ingame texturepacks before, he doesn't use xray. The texture pack that he was using was probably for the other server that he plays on with me. The texturepack is from 1.0 beta I believe, and that might have tripped the monitor for xray (possibly, not 100% sure). He is being sincere about this. And as for him playing for two years, I somewhat doubt that my self, seeing as how the server was introduced to him by me only from the very VERY beginning of 1.8.1 beta. Please reconsider the situation. He wants to be able to play with me and the rest of my friends on NL. And don't give me any BS for trying to stick up for a friend, unless you are an Admin and have reason to do so. Thx! -KillerMuffin096
  6. It appears to be down right now as we speak. The live map is not responding and the status of the server at the top of the page is "offline". So maybe it is being updated right now... idk.
  7. So as long as we don't update to 1.2.4 until Sunday we should still be able to play on the server right???
  8. See??? A totally reasonable explanation as to y this happened bro. It was never for his personal gain in the first place. He's just doing his job as an admin. If EVERYTHING was taken, then obviously EVERYTHING was duped and therefore if not ALL the stuff was taken from the raid, and you didn't report that any of it was duped, then maybe it was you who duped the rest, if not all, of the stuff in the first place... *busssssssted!
  9. hmmmmm... i see, very VERY interesting. Just one thing I have to add... YOU AREN'T GOING TO GET S*** UNLESS YOU HAVE SOLID AND VERY HARD PROOF OF HIM ACTUALLY DOING THIS. And I seriously doubt that he would do this anyway. Corby has been accused hundreds of times of stealing, admin abuse, hax, etc. I even accused him of admin abuse once a long time ago. But he explained what really happened and were cool now. So a word of advice to you my young friend, would be to drop your ridiculously familiar/echoed claim and get on with your gaming life. Nothing personal against you, it's just that this has been said by so many people so many times that it is just annoying to hear. Get actual proof of him ever doing these things and I will take back everything I've said. Peace out!
  10. pester=total awesome, and horrifying rapeage!!!! a bit=for the rest of eternity until such further notice... lol! Many things Corby is, but anti-grandiose and merciful in another person's demise, is not one of them. Looking forward to how this ends for Derp...
  11. Are you calling me a noob?!
  12. So will it stay that way from now on, or will the new features come back in the next map or something like dat? They will likely return once a stable version of faction wars is released for it K, sounds great! thx!
  13. So will it stay that way from now on, or will the new features come back in the next map or something like dat?
  14. Just a quick question for any admin... what happened to the truce feature in the Factions mod? There's only Ally or Enemy options again.
  15. -It's Over 9,000!!!!! =()

    1. Tennisballesser


      It´s a dumb m.eme

    2. Botervloot


      oh wow you guys

    3. soccerkicker11


      killer i just got banned :( tell the crew i wont be on....

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