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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Veledrome

  1. Hi everyone its Crash. I suggested this mode months ago but it got declined so I am gonna suggest it again and see what you think now.


    I am thinking of a mod, similar to SH, but slightly different and I am sure it would be fun.


    The mode is similar to SH. Actually almost the same but the rules are changed. (You still play it with rockets and jumping etc.)


    1) Instead of waiting when you die, you respawn.


    2) There will be a time for a map, lets say 4 minutes, and by the end of that 4 minutes, the person with the most kills wins and the other two with the most kills gets the 2nd and 3rd place, and they get GC for that.


    3) Spawn camping won't be possible because after respawning you will get at least 5 seconds of ghostmode.


    4) AFKs are already AFK so there won't be any camping for that.


    5) The point is to get the most kills in the time.


    This is basically it. Normal SH maps can be used for this. I did not think of a name but it is up to you. You guys (admins and SDK) will probably say "We have enough game modes for now." but in my opinion, since the manhunt is removed I think one more mode will be fun for the server and it will go out of it's boring routine.


    If anyone who reads this thinks this is a fun and good idea please comment!

  2. Everyone knows that Ravi and Kalra_Saab hates me so they always try to block me. They are already ignored on my chat because they always insult me so I never know what they say.

    Whenever he gets a chance he always blocks me like you see in the pictures.


    Here are some screenshots.






  3. During the map san andreas journey 3 ( I guess ) I was going 1st all the time and sky had like 2 dozers (as he said). So he takes a hustler and decides to follow the first 3 players at the end. He is not collecting checkpoints but just following and trying to ram first three players. Turns out I am the victim. His hustler was burning at last checkpoint and he killed me. I couldn't finish the 6 minute long map which I was always first during it. I request ban.


    (In the screenshot you can clearly see the message "Sky has given you his fire".

    (And that blue ring right there is the finish checkpoint.)




  4. Not the best time to be hypocrite now is it? Dan you were whining about people taking revenge on you by block or /k. But now you say it is okay to take a revenge on one person? lol.

    You didn't have proof. That's why nothing happened to them. But here is a proof, also you confessed it yourself.

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