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Mr. Green Gaming

Mr Zombie Killer

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Everything posted by Mr Zombie Killer

  2. Welcome back
  3. I thnk it's way better then black ops or any other COD game for that matter ^^
  5. Then why do you keep bringing it up you smartass. I'm not???? Talking about them both in the same sentence in one post equals bringing it up. Just ignore fanboys . They are 2 types of people, either trolls or kiddies that do not know any better. Just play what the fukc you wan't to play and shut the f*ckkc up about it. That's my style tho. Though I like to troll some ''why so serious'' dudes. It's just fun and makes me live a little inside. Lol that was a brilliant paragraph
  6. Then why do you keep bringing it up you smartass. I'm not????
  7. Hope this gets accepted. But if it doesn't i understand ^__^
  8. Doesn't look like hacking from what I've seen in the photos.
  9. best commercial for a video game that I've ever seen xD I don't get why people are arguing over BF3 and MW3. Their both very good games, don't get why everyone trolls about which is better
  10. Think I've seen you before, what server do you go on??
  11. Members are only allowed to reply to topics when they are involved. Only saying like dude
  12. New trailer
  13. So I was thinking of making a gears of war 3 map for Garry's Mod. Any ideas???
  14. Hi guys. I know nobody gives a crap about me but i won't be on for a while. I feel like this community doesnt want me here so im staying on left4green but won't be on for a bit. Thanks guys..
  15. Think I've seen you before. If it was you (which I'm sure it was you) you seemed a nice dude.
  16. This website is getting better every day ;)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      I truly hope what you say is sarcasm.

    3. TechnoNegro


      srsly, there is only few dudes on zs and rc is empty all the fucking time. I WANT TO PLAY IT! (its kinda boring alone, tho) and i heard everything it not perfect on mc either. And that necros new SUPERUBERMEGAUPDATE is still a work in progress.

    4. Dr.Minky


      I'll play zs when I get my comp, love it :V and surf, even though all my friends hate it, need to get back into it though I'm probably a bit rusty..

  17. I agree with this. But clavus has got a fair point.
  18. R.I.P
  19. If you wanted to look at your posts, just look on your profile.
  20. Name: Kamikaze Hp: 40 Description: Don't get too close to this guy. Attacks: Primary Attack: Runs into survivors and blows up. Secondary Attack: Claw Upon Death: blows up. Cons: Only good at close range. Cannon fodder at long range. Pros: Very good for close quarters (Narrow hallway, a small room etc).
  21. I totally agree with you.
  22. Thankyou you for your ideas. Really helps
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