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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by chezman123

  1. Lets make a list of multiple ways to get kicked out of a mall! Ill start the list:

    1: Give out free samples of TVs, Computers, and Cell Phones at the electronics store.

    2: Go streaking.

    3: Solicit Android phones at the Apple store.

    4: Solicit IPhones at an android store!

    5: Walk up to a security guard steal his badge, and say, "Bow down to the law of the new security guard!" to all the people walking by.

    Now continue this list and be as creative as you can!

  2. Alternative that may be slightly easier, highlight peoples faction areas on the dynamic map?


    Top left corner > the layers icon > Check 'Factions'


    Good lord the faction territory is a mess again. I think I'll up the minimum amount of players required for a faction to 3 next map.

    Lol dude. Btw, and this is a little off topic, will the factions still be together in the new map?

  3. iOS based windows. I think there would be less iOS that way.

    Would you rather break one of your feet (meaning 1 year of inability of use), or lose a finger permanently (You get to choose the finger.)

    Also, Android or iOS?

  4. In my expirence, I find that the best solution to this problem comes in a step-by-step process. -FIRST: Using the live map, pick a remote & isloated location that is VERY far away from other factions and build your base at that spot of your choosing. Building by a TRUSTED ally is also ok to do.

    -SECOND: Once done with building your base, claim the land that is around the outer wall of your base by AT LEAST 6 to 7 blocks away from it.

    -THIRD: This part is optional, but for MAXIMUM safty against raid attacks, build a SKYBASE instead of a groundbase. Preferably over the ocean or a large body of water so the only way to get back up to it is with /f home. This will help to prevent enemies from ever being able to reach you, kill you (weaken your power), and claim your land from you. Just remember to NOT go out of your base durring an attack. Eventually, they will get bored and leave.

    -FOURTH: If you do build you skybase in the middle of the ocean away from the main land (not including small islands), don't complain about there not being any food for miles around. Make a fishing rod and eat fish!!! You never run out of them!

    -FIFTH: This is the final step and the easiest! Just ALWAYS keep your stocks of supplies full or large in ammount! It's common minecraft knowledge after all!!!

    Just follow these steps and I promise that your faction will survive for a very long time.

    Hope this will help you from being raided in the first place dude. :)

    Too late for that. I suppose we could just move (much further away?), but I've already done that once before. Now that I think about it, maybe we should. I mean, we ARE fairly far away from the main spawn, but there's like two factions near us. You know, there's one person that's like a trouble MAGNET. Well, I'm rambling. Enough of that. Thank you for your suggestions.

  5. Ok, so here's another idea:

    There should be an easier way of telling where the boundaries of a "plot" (the pieces of land that you claim) are.

    Ways of doing this? The only way I've found is to basically use an outsider to test where he can (and cannot) place blocks.

    You can see where the "Chunk" you claimed ends by walking out of it. It will show a message in the lower left corner of your screen if you walk out of yours, into another (not claimed/claimen by others) chunk.

    Doesn't work. It's not exact enough.

    Oh is it not exact enough. It gives clear indication where your claimed areas start and end.

    Don't get what you want, but it sounds like a bad idea.. I've made a thread in which to put any ideas for the server so please post there instead of making lots of new threads :)

    It's not a bad idea. I wish there'd be an easier way to show chunk boundaries, but a server-side mod can pretty much only communicate with you through the chat channel.

    A mod that when you do /f show maybe the chunks turn a bit red or blue that are yours? Like a transparent flat chunk on top of them.

    Like I said, it's a server-side mod. You can't do shit like that.

    Erm, no, it isn't exact enough. And there is no clear indication as to where it starts and ends. Oh, by the way there should be a mod that does that. (Referring to Pufulet's post)

  6. Ok, so here's another idea:

    There should be an easier way of telling where the boundaries of a "plot" (the pieces of land that you claim) are.

    Ways of doing this? The only way I've found is to basically use an outsider to test where he can (and cannot) place blocks.

    You can see where the "Chunk" you claimed ends by walking out of it. It will show a message in the lower left corner of your screen if you walk out of yours, into another (not claimed/claimen by others) chunk.

    Doesn't work. It's not exact enough.

  7. Ok, so here's another idea:

    There should be an easier way of telling where the boundaries of a "plot" (the pieces of land that you claim) are.

    Ways of doing this? The only way I've found is to basically use an outsider to test where he can (and cannot) place blocks.

  8. You're comparing 2 different types of FPS games with each other.

    Modern Warfare 3 is a close quarter combat game that focuses less on teamplay and more on what the individual person can do for it's team. It involves using killstreaks to change the tide. Teamplay and tactics increase the chance of winning but are not necessary.

    Battlefield 3 on the other hand uses a wider and of course larger map to play on and focuses a lot more on teamplay. Because of the fact that it's such a large map a variety of vehicles is used which also spices up the gameplay. You can't win by simple going solo and taking out the team because this will only result in failure.

    Both games should be handle as games from the top rank (atm) and there should be no hate against either one of them. The only extreem negative thing about the Call of Duty series is that it's overpriced and stays that way for far too long. I think MW2 is still 60bucks on steam or something?

    BF3 --> teamplay

    MW3 --> 'brainless' playing (in a positive way)

    Basically this.

    Based on the comments in this forum, I think I will buy both games (yay). I ENJOY teamplay much more, but nobody ever seems to do that in CoD, so I'll at least try Battlefield 3. I might as well give it a fair shot. I've always liked the MW games MUCH more than the other CoD games, mainly for the innovative qualities each one has produced so far. (For example, I've always loved the Spec. Ops. in MW2, and in MW, the game was much more...polished.) Zombies just hasn't done it for me all this time. It's way too overrated.

    Well, I'm starting to get off topic. Those are my thoughts; do with them what you will.

  9. Mr. Awesomesauce

    HP: 5000

    Description: Basically he's like a tank, but MUCH more powerful.

    Attacks: Only meelee, but does massive damage. (Smash and swing hits)


    -2 Hit Kills

    -Walks at normal speed (that's not really a pro or a con)

    -5000 HP!


    -Only comes once an episode, and sometimes not at all.

    -Scares away other zombies so he's usually alone.

    -Big target, and all the survivors gang up on him.

  10. The point of Faction Wars is that you try to build a solid fortress (although please no ugly water cube :<). Raids and loss of territory are part of that. It's probably frustrating if you're on the losing end, but carry that new-found wisdom on how to secure your fort with you to the next faction.

    I see your point, but it's still annoying when you can't get out of the frigging spawn just because some stupid people want all of your NOTHING. But still...

  11. Ok, here's my idea. I think that every faction should have a single plot that cannot be taken over. Perhaps that plot could be the one that has the faction spawn in it? It doesn't really matter, but here's my main reason. Last time the someone took my faction's plot, it took FOREVER to get out of the spawn, because people were just murdering us left and right! We finally got out, but it was still frustrating. Thoughts?

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