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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Antz

  1. Isn't 'nail to win' already prevented due to the fact that etherials are in this game?
  2. Can pufu get admin so he can be more of a dev plz?
  3. I like the new font, but I also think the little 'black backgrounds' to the pieces of the huds worked well too. I also think that everything shouldn't be spread out as much, like in the old hud : http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/577808217077938922/7A4B1F8EA401852F964B9D5950CDFAA438A4440B/
  4. I like it, just please use another font :<
  5. I think that the crate shop buying system only really works well with wave-based zombie survival...
  6. For some reason I lost my grave digger suit + have my stalker suit (somehow) but can't de select or even see I have it in the menu I also lost my rambo suit too :C
  7. This happens when you turn up your weapon_fov on the menu, it shouldn't go this far but the option (to change the weapon_fov) should be available for all of the weapons.
  8. Okay, Thanks Duby, i'll see if it works.
  9. Is there anyway to customize the music like we could before? I remember you could change the music in the sound files and have what you wanted.
  10. will be gone for a long time :C

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Antz


      I'll probably just beable to play The Binding of Isaac... that's it :(

  11. - wut in deh heyl
    1. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      I think he is increasing his trolling experience.

    2. Antz


      lol yeah

  12. You are trying to get them banned for telling the zombies to kill you?
  13. Does any one know what's going on with the zombie survival?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raptor


      Oh, right! I cant join xD

    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Necro was never tired of BC2. Same will happen with BF3. So yeah, ZS is totaly dead.

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