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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by noahchris

  1. Thanks
  2. This is what i got when i opend the dynmap: Web files are not matched with plugin version: All files need to be same version (0.39-1163) Maby it has something to do with the fact i changed the DNS server on my wireless internet?
  4. noahchris

    Day Z

    Arma Combined ops is Arma 2 + Operation Arrowhead. You can also get Arma 2 free to play + Arrowhead but I'm not sure if that works as well as just owning Combined Ops. You mean i need to buy the one by one?
  5. noahchris

    Day Z

    1 question, sorry if this one is alreddy asked but do i need arma II operation arrowhead or the arma II combined operation pack
  6. Guild wars will be out in 4 weeks and i pre-orderd it!!!!
  7. pfffff
  8. wow *sacastic clap* just wow, you just got nothing to do in your sparetime dont you? tell me, did your dad hits you when you where young or was your mother always drunk? Because you just love to Break other peoples things and make them feel sad dont you?
  9. Yeah! what he said! oh and BTW, next map you can build your own fucking endportal spawner because GUILDWARS 2 is coming!!!!!!!
  10. How can i play on Mrgreens server in garry's mod, sorry but i just bought the game and dont really know how this game works.
  12. Pleas tell me wtf this is
  13. Yes but we are better and stronger now
  14. Blackbird challenge rangers for a battle, we need a good enemy.
  15. BlackBird rules end of discussion. Here is a picture of how retarded SPQR is:
  16. Here is a picture of the Duplication room at the base of SPQR that we claimed. i know duplication doesnt work anymore(?) but still:
  17. Topic Description says it all
  18. Is server down right now? Or is it going to update?
  19. Here is a video of these dirty hackers: You can see on 00:23 that these "Criminals" are hacking while they are sitting in a corner with their kill aura on. Pleas ban this hackers. Noahchris.
  20. lol
  21. lol
  22. noahchris


    i know you are gay, and yes im awsome
  23. tw_pwne11 is banned for saying.... nothing? she where raiding someone and then he was randomly banned! Pleas unban. 0
  24. tw_pwne11 is banned for saying.... nothing? she where raiding someone and then he was randomly banned! Pleas unban.
  25. I know
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