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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by darkwizar2

  1. Lol i tried hardcore and i died in about an hour...fml
  2. Bull shit, if you had a server and you were the owner, and a noob came along and advertised a server, would'nt you ban that person? i know i would, so of course its not allowed. no server wants to loose people to other servers
  3. you should say the minecraft server is never gonna be up ever then its secretly up and you can play without all the noobies
  4. It kinda looks like speed hacking but with all the lag it could have been spriting
  5. Its hard to reward someone with anything in a grief/pvp/faction war server in a vanilla server i play on people donate for stuff like titles and self repairing chainmail and stuff like that. but i dont know what people would donate for on this server
  6. I thought the drama was over then comes Jinrai the biggest drama queen now im just gonna sit back and watch him make a bigger fool of himself
  7. God i hate this, universm or whatever the fuck his name is, is just getting all the topics locked by talking about corby in hateful ways, usually when im on a server i try to respect admins instead of saying they hack or whatever, because corby does a lot and if you dont like him u can go to a different server where you don't have to deal with him, and someday corby is gonna be gone and then who will ban hackers? theres not to many active admins on only like two (as far as i know) and corbys the most active. So universm fuck off no one likes you, nor your faction, we got rid of that other guy and you come along and your like 10x worse. cheers, dark
  8. Ahh great he's deleting his acc. so now we dont have to hear him whine about corby 24/7 anymore
  9. Jinrai, you shouldn't be correcting people since you have many errors on your posts also
  11. anyone know when were gonna update?
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