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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by mrtms

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfzY14xQWFM Please ban him, I am tired of his speed hacks.
  2. Very sorry for what I have done. Hopefully I will get one more chance from you guys.

  3. mrtms

    Mrtms Banned

    Hey all, It's Mrtms (Michael). Just wanted to start off by saying I am sorry for what I did. I had been lying for quiet a while about me not duping. I am going to be truthful throughout this whole apology letter that I am writing to gain the trust of the owner and admins of the server again. What I got banned for was duping a lot of items at once. You all seen what Corby posted on the forums of what was duped. I am very sorry for what I did and I understand that duping was against the rules and that I could get permanently banned for it. I am going to try and get myself unbanned from this great server and to start out fresh again. Even if it means the admin having to check my chests randomly. I still would like to continue playing this server and have fun with the rest of the players. How I figured out how to dupe: I will not state exactly how to dupe items so that other players aren't able to figure out this glitch and use it to there advantage. I will state however how long I was duping and how I figured out how to do it. So lets start, I figured out how to dupe by my friend (not boogeyman1123). He also figured out how to dupe by my friend. We figured it out about 1 month ago and we kept it a secret and kept the duping to a minimum. Well after us seeing Drainal, the cheater that he is, seeing all of his items angered us and we wanted to come back striking against his faction to take them completely out. BassCannon and Boogeyman were good friends at the start of the server but later on we grew tired of each other and started fighting with each other. Since then we have been arguing and causing hell for everybody on the server. Creating a horrible environment for everyone on the server and I apologize on the behalf of my faction for causing that kind of environment. Well the day we duped that all of those items we were planning to finish BassCannon completely, but of course we were dumb and got caught by Corby. After that we kind of all just split and ran one man for himself and that didn't work out to well cause we still all got banned... I am sure along with me Boogeyman1123 is also very sorry for what he did and is wanting to come back to the server. That is if you could once again just trust us with this last chance for our faction or for me. Boogeyman1123 will also be submitting an apology letter to the server to see if he will get one more chance with this great server. Once again, I am very sorry for what I did and I will never do it again. I know how it feels to lose the only original PvP server out there and it SUCKS... Sincerely, Mrtms Michael
  4. Lol look at this still making all of these accusations aren't we? Lets start off by saying forceofthegrim isn't boogeyman1123. Secondly, he didn't get banned for diamonds or whatever. In fact he had no diamonds on his account. All he had was some iron armor, food, and a diamond sword. He got banned for combat logging. So get your facts right before you go and post on the forums about one of my members. Thank you and have a nice day kid.
  5. Drainal you need to learn to shut up. You have called me a hacker, Boogeyman1123 a hacker, ScorpioSam a hacker, Atrueminer a hacker. Then we type everything that you ask us to type and you still call us a hacker. You have tried to get us banned everyday unsuccessfully. I mean when are you gonna stop? I think it should be you getting the ban for making all these false accusations and for creating a bad environment in the server. You need to accept that people are just better than you at some things and because you want to be #1 you try to get us all banned.
  6. mrtms

    Mrtms Ban

    I mean like I don't try to, but I have to get to faction chat and normal chat. I have to type it no matter what... Sometimes I forget to not type it fast, my habit is to just type fast. Sorry about that =/
  7. mrtms

    Mrtms Ban

    Date of your ban 12/08/2011 Who banned you (only if you know who) The server Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) Spam Reason why we should unban you I typed /f c, 3 times. To get to Faction chat. Then it decides to ban me... It happened again =[
  8. mrtms

    Mrtms Ban

    Date of your ban 12/07/2011 Who banned you (only if you know who) The server Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) Spam Reason why we should unban you I typed /f c, 3 times. To get to Faction chat. Then it decides to ban me... Ok seriously, if you type /f c, 3 times. Is it supposed to ban you or something cause now this is the second time within 24 hours...
  9. mrtms

    Unban Mrtms

    Date of your ban 12/06/2011 Who banned you (only if you know who) The server Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) Spam Reason why we should unban you I typed /f c, 3 times. To get to Faction chat. Then it decides to ban me...
  10. mrtms

    mrtms hacking

    Yea Drainal what Token said, Past experience?
  11. mrtms

    mrtms hacking

    Lol so what does this exactly prove? You had my type +kill, .kill, #kill. It was all perfect, I never even logged when you had me do it. So how about you stop trying to get me banned and my teammate banned and play the game fairly. If anything you're the one that is cheating since you have to log out when I tell you type it.
  12. Date of your ban 12/3/2011 Who banned you (only if you know who) The server Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) Spam Reason why we should unban you I typed a word and it banned me
  13. Date of your ban 12/1/2011 Who banned you (only if you know who) The server Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) Spam Reason why we should unban you I only typed 2 words and i got banned from the server...
  14. jedireviews combat logged when boogeyman1123 and I attacked him and as he was dying he logged out while we were just about to kill him.
  15. Who banned you (only if you know who) > The server banned me itself Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) > I got banned for spamming even though I only typed 2 words. Reason why we should unban you > I didn't know that it would ban me, I apologize that I got banned for spam. Please unban me as I really didn't know what it would ban me for typing 2 words after one another.
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