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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by xxexplosionzzxx2

  1. plz corby or clavus i wanna plaaayyyy
  2. omg i wasnt playing at that moment 0__o password changed but unban me we have the proof there was no spamming
  4. clavs!! i'm just home i want to play and i am banned again i wasnt online what now?? i wasnt %*&^%* online and i get banned plz unban me this is no fair.... ttss not being online and getting banned
  5. unbanned :)

    1. terminator


      shame really ...

    2. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Hello children! It's time to count how many fucks I give! That's right, zero!

  6. but corby that was in 1.8 there ar so many people who siad at the forum they had xray a view maps ago... why dont they get bannend and xxfireisgoodxx is banned (sorry about my english i'm dutch)
  7. ryuushima maybe you can join i like this ill ask for zombitch but about the faction your in now is it a good faction so yes we mustt skype about something
  8. shut up and annoy other people
  9. corby or clavus plz answer
  10. IGN:xxexplosionzzxx date of banning: 15/12/2011 time 17:30 reason: spamming i wasnt spamming i typed f home 4 time because it didnt work plz unban me this isnt fair
  11. clavus and corby i just get banned for spamming but i typed F HOME it didnt word ad i typed it like 4 times and than i was banned but i only type f home and he lagged so plz unban me i did not spam..
  12. dude youre not banned there is an comenication error lolz
  13. nd guys! you guys are talking about everything but not about xxfireisgoodxx, i want this to make a point! he is just a kid from only eleven years old he is a good player where had a lot of fun and we ware making an new base and then he said to me: can you mke this so there was a spelling error and he typed it again and then he was banned.... why plz corby of clavus unban him and make the ban fair this is not how it must go....
  14. 1. ban limit is 10 posts so don't lie 2. why can't he post it himself ?! 3. he'll get unbanned soon (if it was rlly spamban) he wasnt typing 10 word i am not lying!! have a proof?! -___-
  15. guys i am not lying i was at his home when it happend and idk why his left4green acc doesnt work (i think a lagg) buy serious he is a good player and did not spam that combatlogging picture was a view map ago and he get banned for that
  16. dear corby, my friend xxfireisgoodxx is baned because he was spammig but.... he didnt he only typed 2 messages a little fast and there was no kick but a ban in once why is this?? plz unban him he is a really good player
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