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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Brant_96

  1. Me and my faction have been playing way before pretty much everyone on the server today and I've got to agree with Kod on a number of points. The server is complete shit compared to before. One of the main reasons for this is the introduction of potions and enchants. People are more inclined to sit inside and grind for a good enchant then to actively raid and PvP. Potions eliminate the need for any kind of skill, when the most effective way to PvP is to just fill your inventory with them and spam right click. We remember when pvp'ing was purely based on who was the better player, not who had the most pots and the best enchants. I think that we take an element that Clavus suggested and have a number of pre-prepared factions for players to join and also completely remove potions if possible and remove or limit enchantments, that way it removes the temptation to sit in your base and grind and adds an element of skill back into the game. I'm not gonna blindly hate on Clavus like the majority of 12 year olds on the server, but i think the faction limit and the move to Factions 2.0 wasn't the best of ideas and made it less likely for people to build extravagant bases like before.
  2. I think this is a really nice idea, and a good way of organising the hordes of 12 year olds. But steering away from PvP would be a risky move considering that the majority, if not all, of the player base are regularly playing purely to PvP and raid. This change would mean that the player base will likely diminish and a new player base will have to be found. Unfortunately, i dont think this system could work with less than say 20 or 25 people on average constantly on. Personally i would try to incorporate more PvP aspects into the system and keep the gameplay focused towards PvP to hopefully maintain the current player base.
  3. Indeed it has thanks Yeah, I'll tell my faction that's it's a bannable offence.
  4. Nothing personal Math, we just hate you
  5. 1. Your ingame name Brant96 2. Date of your ban 30th March 2013 3. What game/server are you banned from Minecraft - Minecraft.nl 4. Who banned you (only if you know who) Nope. Probably auto ban. 5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) Spamming. It was a glitch in the system. If i macro a command on my mouse I get kicked without PvP logger and this, i presume, is why. 6. Reason why we should unban you I was exploiting a glitch in the system. This, under the rules, is allowed but maybe not command spamming. Sorry if that is the case and i would love to get unbanned and continue playing this server without using said glitch.
  6. You didn't 'Investigate the matter'. You came to our base and flew around for like 5 minutes. This 'Screen sharing' claim is bs, besides who brags about the 'Fast rejoin' feature of a hacked client xD And for the record, we all play on small GUI so you can see more of the screen but I'm not about to get into an argument about our preference of menus. If you don't have any evidence, don't make the accusations. Simple enough? You've said twice already you have no proof huh?
  7. Normally the staff here are really nice and friendly. When i used to play this server with Corby and yourself it was sick but Math as admin just doesn't work. He has insulted us in chat for asking why he was flying around our base for so long and has created accusations backed up with non-existent evidence. Firstly, i would like Math to either share these apparent 'screenshots' before calling us hackers and secondly, he shouldn't accuse us in chat if he thinks he has any evidence but instead post said evidence on the forums.
  8. If you would stop for one second and realise the reason you're bitching and what you typed is utter bullshit which has nothing to do with the case at all, you would realise you're the one being immature, not even mentioning this post. I don't give a shit about your rights, it's Clavus' server and other players complaining about you guys using nodus all the time gives me more than enough reasons to inspect you guys. The fact you're even bitching about the 'dislike' fact doesn't even bother me, you guys, together with the other immature lot always use this reason, half of the time I don't even know you so how could I dislike you, unless you're 100% sure there's a problem with you causing other people to instantly dislike you. If you would please stop being the attention whore and get of the forums for shitty stuff like this, it would be highly appreciated. To the rest of the server that actually knows how to behave on the interwebs, it won't take long before I have enough proof to ban the entire faction, I'm getting bombed with screens already. Greatings as always Bombed with those screens huh? Care to share? Pretty sure you can't ban us on rumors and it blatantly clear you dislike us (Seen in the way you speak to us on the server) and are treating us differently because of it. This entire paragraph is rambling bullshit and is summed up by the 'greatings' at then end. You should never have been made admin, you're too immature and the fact that you create bullshit accusations based on rumors and our apparent 'screen sharing' antics is hilarious.
  9. Math, you have bullshit evidence apart from claims that we apparently have been sharing screens with you with Nodus Installed. Which, might i add, neither me or any of my faction have ever done. You are just an immature little prick that is trying to get us banned without any evidence purely because you dislike us. You flew into our base for no good reason yesterday which could be seen as abusing your rights. Just to add, this post was a joke aimed at your bullshit claims.
  10. Already seen it. Can't wait
  11. 6/10 Natalie Portman. The song isn't too bad either.
  12. Make an outer wall layer, and then a lava layer and then an inner wall.This will teach boat glitchers a big lesson > Why you steal our base design?! And Corby knows all about my boat glitching
  13. Brant_96


    There won't be a new map for a while, why you ask?
  14. This should be interesting...
  15. I'm really not good with names. So literally every game I play, my username is Brant. I'll think of something though
  16. So Brant or Brant96? Hmmm...
  17. Isn't discussing names meant to be on that specific topic
  18. Anyways, I could try punching 'em in the face just for you, and I dont want your diamonds. Well, maybe it won't be very effective, but who knows, they might lag while i'm attacking and get raped as a result. (I dont have anything so yeah I haven't got anything to lose ) It's a shame Bongo_Ben is a black belt ninja murder tiger.
  19. I'll kill em, keep your diamonds Haha, you can try...
  20. You can take down this thread and we will not look for you and we will not pursue you. If you do not take down this thread we will hunt you, we will find you and we will kill you.
  21. HahahHa ahhh_Creeper is 1. A good friend of mine 2. In my faction 3. Now coming to raid you because you posted this. Good luck. EDIT : oh and thanks Corby.
  22. Can I ask what this topic is meant to achieve? Is it just for showing strange glitches that happen to you?
  23. I'll answer you when you speak properly. Instead of saying "You still didn't answered"
  24. Great words from a great pvp'er. Case Closed. EDIT : The other 90% is common sense. Which the majority of the server do not have at their disposal. Meaning only 5 dominant factions.
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