I was baned for "advertiseing" it was on 12/1/2011 i was soposed to be unbaned by now but im still banned so can i please be unbanned? Server: minecraft.nl Username:sintinium Reson why i should be back: i just had woke up and i was talking to my friend on the server and i wasant paying attention to what i was typeing i was telling him about my server for me and two other people amd i worded wrong and it made it look like i was trying to get people to join my server even tough it hamachi so no one else could join it anyway but me him and another dude he forgot the ip so i gave it to him but not the username or password so no one could have joined but him
i just dident know it wasant allowed to talk about a different server Talking is one thing, blatant advertising is another. I have the chat logs so don't say you weren't advertising. im sorry tough and i know i did wrong i just dident know it was not allowed
can i please be unbanned all i done was talk about a different server i dident know i couldent my username is sintinium please unban todays date is 1/1/2012 i was banned by admin and im sorry for talking about a different server i love minecraft.nl please unban