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Mr. Green Gaming


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Quert last won the day on January 15 2013

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About Quert

  • Birthday 03/22/1994

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  1. All of this is not Cool. Not Cooler. But Coolest!
  2. 6/10
  3. 3/10. idk what that was even supposed to be
  4. In other words he's saying to revert the changes and go back to when classes existed... someone might complain about the balance, though.
  5. TBH, most of these suggestions are kinda...useless. Why do you even want hammer to have a 33% chance (I guess that's what you meant, since you said something like "1/3 change") to spawn? What if you don't spawn with it? Running around like an idiot isn't exactly what some players would like, or they wouldn't pick the hammer as their tool in the first place. Fast zombies are OP, we all know that. Granting them to deal damage with their leap would only make them even stronger though, and why do you want them to have a stronger knockback? that's exactly the most annoying part about them in most situations... Headcrabs are OP aswell, but I think that the best solution would be to make any weapon to instakill them with one shot or hit. What do you mean by "unlock the turret"? I thought we already had it? If you meant that there shouldn't be any requirements to use it... NO, it must be unlocked by leveling up. Adding classes: frankly, they've added and removed them for like, 2 or 3 times already, I'm almost sure that, even if they add them, they'll remove them on second thought, using "BALANCE, PLS!" as excuse. I'm not sure about what you mean by "give a bonus if you are a member", if it's about getting GC's for clicking the link or something rediculous like that, just discard that idea, you already get enough cash just by playing ZS as it is.
  6. inb4 they make it even shittier
  7. what would you possibly mean by vice versa? A secondary in your perk?
  8. No, there's no limit to shitness, if someone actually tried really hard they could manage making something even shittier
  9. That would only contribute to make ZS shittier, franklyOh, so ZS can get even more shittier now?There's no limit to shitnessHave you played cod?Call of dicks? why would I even play that crap?
  10. That would only contribute to make ZS shittier, frankly Oh, so ZS can get even more shittier now? There's no limit to shitness
  11. That would only contribute to make ZS shittier, frankly
  12. ................................ ....................... .............................. ZS is now totally dead.
  13. No. you don't listen to what the players want. If the regulars don't come, the server is empty They never did never will and never do necro actually did Negrossin sure had his own thread where people could put their suggestions, but he actually never took into consideration any of these and still did whatever he wanted to (not saying it's a bad thing about him), so no, you totally got the wrong idea I doubt they'd ever do any of that
  14. I don't care that they dont care that you care and that you dont care about what they dont care and care ception
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