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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by jellyfish999111

  1. well as much as id be happy to earn gc, and maybe the rare ,or atlest occasional tournament for gc would be ok ( although i do like the idea of rewarding those who report hackers/dupers) we want the server to keep running and for it to keep running we require donations, and if everyone can run around and get thousands of gc just for playing a bit then no one wil lwant to donate or atlest not nearly as much which will lead to a poorer server which means it wont be as good.
  2. no /spawn is one of the things that makes this server great it encourages pvp when people travel between locations and ensures there are bases nearer to spawn aswell as just as far as you can possibly walk, that way more bases spread across the map = better raids and makes you actually have to plan with allies ect not just go im under attack and they go /spawn and theres 20 people there so much better without cmds like /spawn and definatley better with no tp
  3. a couple points on this- 1 - im not sure if this IS combat tag although i dont think it is but there is a much better combat logging pluging that instead of killing the player upon reloging , or logging it drops an npc of the player for a short time if they have recently been hit, this way when someones been home or has finsihed the raid and then has to rush off after the combat has stopped they dont die. 2 for now can u please give us the exact details of what time we have to wait and what triggers the kill as recently iv been killed after combat, when id killed someone and after they were dead waited a small while then logged out and was killed upon death loosing all my good items D: (enjoy the sword discord) 3 a minute would be way to long to not be able to fight, what happens when someones waliing along hits a lag spike, relogs and then is attacked after about 20 seconds...
  4. stealing and raiding dias frm people is not duping i realised it and if you could read youd notice that i even mentioned it in the post but i put it up there just in the hope that some really rich guy will come along and go ' ohh dias ima buy these and go crazy with them before the reset'
  5. i know i know the reset is coming so noone wants to waste their precious gc on dias but just incase theres some rich guy out there who feels like buying a few im selling 60 diamonds for some gc (make me an offer)so if you decide you want to go out to the reset with a bucn of diamonds or are just that rich comment an offer (in green coins) jellyfish999111
  6. ok i created another topic before but it has been a long while and i havent got a resonse and it eneded up being several replys long with things that i messed so here is my new one ingame name jellyfish999111 date of ban - january 6 server banned from minecraft.nl who banned me- a bot (i think) reason i got banned spamming why i should be unbanned- please unbann me i was banned by a bot for spamming. although i didnt spam. several days before the ban i acidentally inputted a code incorrectly several times not knowing about the bot which then kicked me. now when i got banned several days later i was just trying to send a message to another player /tell but when i typed it in and pressed enter i got banned for spamming. so could you please unban me. thanks in advance jelyfish999111
  7. should i be expecting a reply i have had this post up for days and no admin has replyed to it. please asnwer thanks
  8. oh thanks for that the only propblem was that i acidentally typed a couple of comands in that were incorrect before i attemted to send a message i had had warnings before when i inputted a couple incorect commands but not before the ban so please unban me the only thing i have done wrong was typing a command wrong
  9. sorry i forgot to add i was ban on this server on the 8th of January
  10. please unban me. i was banned for no reason. i just tryed to send a message to another player and it ban me for "spamming". so please please please unban me. thanks - jellyfish999111
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