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Mr. Green Gaming


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Vodahmin_Kendov last won the day on March 30 2013

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  1. Ok so assuming that you are vanished and watching us, why would you accuse us of using fastbreak when you would have quite clearly seen that I was mining for hours?? And the others helped every now and then? To all players on Minecraft.nl if you ever think you can smell something odd it is probably the complete Bs that is Mathijs1996. Seriously, you make no sense. God knows how you managed to get admin status, you can't even put an argument across without undermining your previous statements. You are without doubt one of the most idiotic people I have talked to, and that isn't an exaggeration. the only people stupider than you are the kids on Call Of Duty. And that really says it all.
  2. Normally the staff here are really nice and friendly. When i used to play this server with Corby and yourself it was sick but Math as admin just doesn't work. He has insulted us in chat for asking why he was flying around our base for so long and has created accusations backed up with non-existent evidence. Firstly, i would like Math to either share these apparent 'screenshots' before calling us hackers and secondly, he shouldn't accuse us in chat if he thinks he has any evidence but instead post said evidence on the forums. I don't know what you're on about but it's an admin's job to check everyone, that includes asking people how they got stuff and if it sounds fishy investigating the matter. Half of the stuff you're posting here hasn't even been said by me, the insulting bit is just retarded since I ignore everyone in chat except those who ask for help or deserve attention. As I said twiece already, I don't have any screen proof otherwise you'ld be banned, other people are telling me that people in your faction have been bragging about the fast rejoin feature of nodus or even screen sharing with other players while having a nodus client. There's no reason for you guys to make such drama unless you're scared to get caught, the fact you posted a screenshot with small gui just adds to the pile, as Awesomeo stated, there's no reason to use it. The fact you guys actually started this topic prooves you're plain ignorant and don't like an admin checking what you're doing. 1. You didn't ask us how we got all the obsidian, you plain out said we used fast break and you can have our whole faction banned easily enough with all the screens you have been 'bombed' with. Your words not mine. I mined obsidian for ages, we started getting everything right when the map started on the monday. 2. You aren't checking what we are doing, you are just accusing us of doing stuff with no proof (well you have 'proof' from all the screens you have been bombed with I guess). Seriously, how old are you? You just contradict yourself with every fucking thing you say. 3. Pretty sure that is why Bongo made the thread, you accuse us of shit with no proof. 4. Are you trolling?
  3. To the rest of the server that actually knows how to behave on the interwebs, it won't take long before I have enough proof to ban the entire faction, I'm getting bombed with screens already. Greatings as always Math I hardly know you but you are fucking hilarious. I'd love to see the screens of me hacking, I've only been on one raid and don't hack. The only other thing I have done is mined obsidian and been grinding so that explains the obsidian. There is this thing called enchanting, which is enabled on the server (not sure if you've realised based on your accusations) which means you can put enchantments onto items. One of the said enchantments is called efficiency and it can be used in conjunction with a pickaxe (that's the thing you use to mine blocks). What this allows you to do is mine blocks faster, the higher the level of efficiency the faster the blocks break. For further information on enchanting refer to the link below (from the minecraft wiki). It's noob friendly so there isn't anything you shouldn't understand. http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Enchanting Furthermore the area known as The End contains big towers made up of obsidian blocks, it was pretty easy to mine them for a few hours to gather the needed obsidian. If you don't believe me in regards to the obsidian towers take a look at this link about the end (also taking from the minecraft wiki). http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/The_End#Floating_obsidian_platform Yours sincerely, Vodahmin_Kendov
  4. For real? You guys are owned by us Rangers, you've never ever beat us once or even attempted to raid us. you're never online and awesomeo is my friend :3 that's a terrible excuse, i've seen them online a few times when you guys have been on. Plus if anyone is running the server it sure as hell isn't Discord. More like Rangers and Blackbird. Sure Rangers aren't online a ton but when they are they hardly ever die and never get raided. i have only ever seen them die once and that was at the hands of the mighty Bongo_Ben (he only killed awesomeo though) Corby then ruined us. I don't attack rangers cause awesomeo is my friend and I haven't seen corby close enough to do pvp .. again, a retarded thing to say. If people only PvPed when they see people close enough there would be no fights. You can always go and attack Corby, which is kind of the point of PvP (attacking people (not just Corby ), but you won't because like Brant said he will kill you. Seriously... arguing over a voxel animated game is like having a full blown conversation with a brick wall. YOU WILL GET NO WHERE!. I agree, it would be very hard to have a conversation with a brick wall seeing as though a brick wall can't speak. As for getting you nowhere, i beg to differ, you will know your going crazy as will bystanders.
  5. For real? You guys are owned by us Rangers, you've never ever beat us once or even attempted to raid us. you're never online and awesomeo is my friend :3 that's a terrible excuse, i've seen them online a few times when you guys have been on. Plus if anyone is running the server it sure as hell isn't Discord. More like Rangers and Blackbird. Sure Rangers aren't online a ton but when they are they hardly ever die and never get raided. i have only ever seen them die once and that was at the hands of the mighty Bongo_Ben (he only killed awesomeo though) Corby then ruined us. I don't attack rangers cause awesomeo is my friend and I haven't seen corby close enough to do pvp .. again, a retarded thing to say. If people only PvPed when they see people close enough there would be no fights. You can always go and attack Corby, which is kind of the point of PvP (attacking people (not just Corby ), but you won't because like Brant said he will kill you.
  6. There is a glitch you can do to get back to spawn. Involves opening two MC windows or some shit like that. pretending like you don't know, haha @Clavus you open up another minecraft window while staying signed into .nl on the first. You then sign into .nl on the new MC you opened up and you are at spawn. The original MC window logs you out with the error message 'you logged in from another location' <<something along those lines.
  7. For real? You guys are owned by us Rangers, you've never ever beat us once or even attempted to raid us. you're never online and awesomeo is my friend :3 that's a terrible excuse, i've seen them online a few times when you guys have been on. Plus if anyone is running the server it sure as hell isn't Discord. More like Rangers and Blackbird. Sure Rangers aren't online a ton but when they are they hardly ever die and never get raided. i have only ever seen them die once and that was at the hands of the mighty Bongo_Ben (he only killed awesomeo though) Corby then ruined us.
  8. He edited his post to correct his spelling lulz Actually I edited my post because before I edited it, this is what it read. '*one' Not wanting to double post I edited my original post seeing as though it was the last post so there was no point posting another post to say what I said in my edited original post. EDIT: << see what I did there? I did it so special people (you) don't come to wrong conclusions.
  9. *one well technically we did. They didn't come on for ages so lost power, then we claimed their end portal and land. Meaning we got their stuff, according to Wessel, claiming someone's base and getting their stuff means they are defeated, plus when they got back on they disbanded after seeing we claimed their land. If you don't believe we claimed their portal and land, explain this, where did all them ender pearls come from in the 'thank you to all the raided factions' thread we created a couple of maps back?
  10. « Crew Clavus: I said case closed »
  11. He's already in aFaction Noobs too. He can't be in both. How are you guys solving this? WeeSc0ttyC will take his place.
  12. Just enchanted and got another bane V. Hooray!
  13. i just assumed seeing as though there was someone called shadows on the server. sorry if that wasn't you.
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