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Mr. Green Gaming

NL Minecrafter

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NL Minecrafter last won the day on February 16 2013

NL Minecrafter had the most liked content!

About NL Minecrafter

  • Birthday 07/23/1999

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  • Location
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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  1. Ahahahahaha, well thanks anyways.
  2. Hmmm, okay. Well I'm not banned for x-ray that's for sure, and it wasn't that big of a thing than for a IP ban. Just for sure this is the IGN name: viktorkucera12. In that time I was banned by Darkstart if think but I don't think he's still active. I guess it would be a bit too much to let Clavus look at this?
  3. Nope, but I think I know the problem. It was probably a IP ban. IP:
  4. Uhm, thank you very much for wanting to unban me but I'm not unbanned yet...
  5. Thank you very much man, I really appreciate that!
  6. It's your own account!? I don't get it any more.... But unban though, he didn't do anything wrong.
  7. No, I'm sorry but I've bin searching for it a long time and when I got the link it won't load and say 'User deleted'.
  8. I've been playing on mc.nl pretty long time now, and on a moment I got banned on my account: ViktorKucera12, lots of people were saying that I should've been unbanned but after I got banned no Admin looked at the topic anymore and I even think that Clavus never had seen it. Then I just bought a new account: VikMaster_1999 (I'm not very good at names xD) which isn't banned. But I'd just liked to play on my old account and it's very handy too. So there was a lot of speculating about my ban and it was a long, long time ago. Could you please unban me? All the x-rayers are unbanned too and I wasn't even hacking. Greetings Vik.
  9. Yeah, i am playing on the server too, but you have overlooked one thing; the plugins are private.
  10. Blackbird has all they End portals now. :'(
  11. « Crew Clavus: STAY OUT OF UNBAN TOPICS »
  12. Clavus sorry for this late edit, but "Salliber10" can't play on friday so can "Yorkyork" go in his place?
  13. « Crew Clavus: STAY OUT OF UNBAN TOPICS »
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