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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Zeno

  1. :foreveralone:

  2. Profile Views: 4,946 ... HOW THE!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sacrevy


      Appereantly bots hate me.

    3. mogadonskoda


      yes well who doesnt -.-

    4. TechnoNegro


      omfg sass ban mogadon. Btw over 20k views here :3

  3. Zeno

    Banned ...

    If you use any form of cheating you dont deserve to be unbanned. But thats my opinion. It may of been a while ago. But If the admin gave you a perm ban. Then he wanted you to stay banned. But as again. my opinion.
  4. If you're going to be creating a GOW Map. I'd recommend blood drive, or something along that layout. Maps like blood drive offer a fair gameplay for both teams as well as a open area to run around in. Its an average size map so it should be fun for survivours to survive on if they stick together. Just make sure you stick to detail be a shame if it was just blocks to make it look like the real deal. ( And I would help make it with you. But No computer - Cry )
  5. Zeno

    Dark Times

    At least you lot have computers... I havent had one since MAY
  6. One thing. Pufu, Dont go drinking with him. He would pass out before you even had a drink.
  7. Make a Daytime Version ?
  8. sorry im working on glacier and im pretty sure darkness is working on his map as well Oh yeah you forgot something Yeah Zeno Might be able to help you but hes working on a map at the moment too. So Ask him nicely And he might accept it.
  9. Zeno

    l4d2 videos

    You could always search on youtube how to get small Compressed HD Videos on windows movie maker... That worked for me
  10. Wait I lost My levels like 3 months ago... AND NOW I FIND THIS THREAD... FML!
  12. Im not even going to get that high so my opinion will be invalad
  13. yay i was mentionedAnd pufu is right and i totally agree You only agree cause your the same as him. Remember this game mode is for everyone. Not just regular players.. I agree that bezerker needs to be modded a bit. But Not in your favour. Alot of other classes need to be edited too But only people moan bout bezerker. bezerker isn't a 1 man army, Just do what most smart people do. Damage a zombie then go in for the melee kill!
  14. Wipe the whole Server. Start from scratch. No more problems Erm You could like re-edit Some of the class perks seeing as some of them don't even work.
  15. I think it all started because he forgot to redeem in the last map ?
  16. I hate you Deluvas I have one and its the whole game. But the Start menu wont go away D: I might just upload the sound ;D
  17. Love how most of these are to do with girls....
  18. Zeno

    Donate to unban

    Bribe ? Don't think that will work... You cheated its your own fault.
  19. spy on my fit teacher getting changed
  20. I have a suggestion with the supply crates, have it so different classes get different things ? Medic - Health - Cause most medics Stay on 100 HP. This will kinda let them heal people. I've been on 30 hp( and slow ) and a medic is healing me. Then a crate spawns and he runs off leaving me to die. Commando - Maybe a new gun or something ? Bezerker - Better melee then the one he already has. ( Not the katana ) Engineer - Cant think of one. But More barricades ??? Support - More ammo then any other class And please remember this is just a suggestion D: Don't rage at me.
  22. Last dream: I stole some growth potion from some lab and used it on myself. Then woke up... - FUUUUUUUU Best dream: Got laid With 6 girls at once.. Worst dream: Climbed a tall mountain Then jumped off when I got to the top and it felt like I fell Forever. ( May not sound bad. But It felt so real and It took ages for me to smash my head on the rock )
  23. Oh Look there I am In the middle Oh wait... NOW YOU KNOW WHO IT WAS !!! OH NOES!
  24. Come on guys its his 3rd map.. Even though it has no detail. Looks likes everyones first map. With floating block textures Etc. A map doesnt take 3 days to make. It takes weeks to prepare, Edit And even restart it ( I've done this many times ) But soon after you've gotten the experience you will become better. Much better.
  25. Gianna Michaels Would you rather Have a sexy Girlfriend/Wife who always wanted sex And stuff But you had no Penis. Or a really Ugly girl Who had aids?
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