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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Dear corby, I swear i don't have any clients! I hope you understand now! and be a great admin!
  2. Dear Clavus and other admins, I hope you guys understand that i was not 'forcefielding' watch the wideo of oogappeltje you can see that im hitting him and talking, I can explain this: I have learnd from my mother to type very fast without wrogn words or other things, and it's just funny to hit people in the safe zone, my friends and me are doing this always it just very funny i hope the admins understand that i love to play on this server and i will say one thing: UNBAN ME I DIDN DO ANYTHING WRONG!! > Verhej
  3. Why am i banned? I didn do anything wrong Im i can type very fast! i hope you guys understand and that this server have great amdmins who can see what is a client and what's not a client. I like it when i get unbanned cause i dont use a hack, i hope that everyone understand that The Admins have maked a mistake............... Verheij
  4. Dear Clavus, I can explain this: I'm a very good typist, and i love to hit people in the safe zone I hope you understand

    1. verheij3



    2. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Oh look, a meme necromancer.

  6. Singleplayer is a good idea! Thanks Starry xD
  7. Dear Clavus and all of the other admins, I updated my minecraft to 1.2.4 but now i can't play on play.minecraft.nl it says 'outdated server' i dont know how to update back so please update the server Thanks, From Verheij
  8. I want a new map!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Clavus


      Minecraft 1.2 is expected next week or shortly after that.

    3. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      And I want to be omnipotent. Making a status update will help, right?

    4. verheij3


      The coffee? I dont know ask Megabananabandit

  9. Guys Nyancats and TheSaints are together now so our name is: NyanSaints and its one of the best factions on the moment!
  10. Kay2003 says he has xray: pls ban him
  11. Kay is gonna be banned Mwuhahahaha

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mogadonskoda


      and yes he did say wacth

    3. BlueYoshi97


      We should host Ban Appeal Of The Month Awards

    4. BlueYoshi97


      We should host Ban Appeal Of The Month Awards

  12. Dear Clavus, the we've got now is very cool but all of the diamonds are already crafted so maybe a new map? Thank you Verheij
  13. ive seen a hacker name: mine123craft proof: youtube
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