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Mr. Green Gaming


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Balmung last won the day on October 20 2014

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About Balmung

  • Birthday 10/12/1993


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  1. Yuki7141 - added
  2. The future isn't in trying to revive the old, you already need to have your feet at least halfway up the ladder before you try and set up servers for things like TF2, Minecraft, etc. And with Mojangs policies we wouldn't be able to have Factions like it was before.
  3. Can you Whitelist my buddy too, SirDom
  4. Egyptian but I live in Dubai since 1998 Ah. Salam friend.Salam, where are you from?! I'm from the UK. Ever visited? Edit: this is off topic, PM me if you want a chat.
  5. Egyptian but I live in Dubai since 1998 Ah. Salam friend.
  6. Cena where are you from btw
  7. aye.
  8. Estimated ISIS fighters range between 100k-500k. There are 1.6 billion muslims in 2010.
  9. They're both extremist cut-offs of a religion which are rejected by the rest of the religion, whilst the KKK is somewhat a shell of what it used to be in the 20th century, It's actions are considered as terrorism and thus to make a comparison is fair. I didn't make the crusades comparison because the crusades were backed by Christians where as ISIS is not backed by the majority of Muslims. I fully agree with your point on the Qur'an though, the same is for all religious texts, the Bible is often looked at and actually has the meanings behind things changed.
  10. Again I have to repeat what I said, ISIS aren't following whats written inthe Quraan and MoroGuy, Love A, Maher and I are Muslims and we 4 said that Killing isn't allowed in Islam. ISIS uses Islam just to ruin Islam in the western world. I already told that to Reiska but idk if he believes what I told him or not. But I just hope you understand. (Check older posts) Great, let's repeat ourselves, I'm sure everyone enjoys to read things twice. I'm against ISIS. ISIS represents the islam and therefore I'm against the Islam.ISIS represent Islam like the KKK represents Christianity.Idk whats KKK but we Muslims hate ISIS, idk who told you guys ISIS represents Islam The KKK are an extremist group in America who kill non-white people and claim It's for Christianity. Just as ISIS commits atrocities and claim it to be for Islam
  11. Again I have to repeat what I said, ISIS aren't following whats written inthe Quraan and MoroGuy, Love A, Maher and I are Muslims and we 4 said that Killing isn't allowed in Islam. ISIS uses Islam just to ruin Islam in the western world. I already told that to Reiska but idk if he believes what I told him or not. But I just hope you understand. (Check older posts) Great, let's repeat ourselves, I'm sure everyone enjoys to read things twice. I'm against ISIS. ISIS represents the islam and therefore I'm against the Islam. ISIS represent Islam like the KKK represents Christianity.
  12. I think its my first time I agree about some of your words lol. Anyway, I was trying to say to xpro that he is blaming Islam in general while its not. I wouldn't expect a different answer from someone with an Islamic background. If there was no islam, there would be no ISIS. Problem solved. There have been a ton of terrorist attacks in the past ten years. *Surprisingly* most of them were muslims. Why is that huh? Should be fairly obvious. Between 1970 and 2012 only 1/40 terrorist attacks in the US were by Muslims, almost double that number were made by Jewish Followers.
  13. I know I said I was not going to post again in this thread, but this is just ridiculous. I can't believe you just said that. 129 people have been murdered and another 352 people wounded. Just this day almost 500 people were the victim of the islam. It's not an Islam problem, It's a Middle east problem.
  14. Yeah I remember you being around. Welcome aboard. Vegeta7471? Yuki7141 dun why u lyin
  15. Yeah I remember you being around. Welcome aboard. Vegeta7471? Yuki7141
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