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Everything posted by Valion_Pierre
Oh the good ole days of Minecraft. LRG for life!
Well I recently acquired Arma 2 and would be willing to play with you guys, if you needed another gunmen.
The Good Times we have at LRG
Well I didn't spend it all on obsidian, perhaps about $20 on obsidian. As I said in the above post I actually mined the majority of the obsidian used. I am not trying to claim that this was all spent on obsidian as it wasn't. I also already have battlefield 3 so there wouldn't be any point in me purchasing that game. Any other attacks you'd like to make?
Minecraft.nl is a fun server to play on, and supporting something that you spend dozens of hours on isn't a waste of $.
Well this is certainly fun waking up to in the morning.... 1. Obsidian... All of the obsidian mining for this base was done by me and my friend ChrisRKool. Every single damn block of obsidian was mined legitimately or was purchased for greencoins. It took me around 2-3 weeks and anywhere from 1-3 hours a day mining obsidian using an effiency IV pickaxe. Now with that enchantment it takes about 4 seconds to mine each block. I have spent over $100 dollars into this server and honestly I find it insulting that someone would use admin tools to change our base without even asking us first. Edit: Juan mentioned obsidian slaves, but he is misinformed, I personally handled the collection of obsidian. Also around 8 stacks of the obsidian was either from a trade deal with sphere or me slaughtering them. Our base was already finished before the duping spree began. As Juan said we have had this base for well over a month. 2. Swords/Armour/Potions The amount of raiding I have done on this server is quite ridiculous. I will go on a raid and get 3 sets of diamond Armour easily and then just throw it in my various chests. We have been collecting dia armour since about day 3 of this server. I literally have lost count of the # of kills and factions that I have personally destroyed. All of the armour we have was gotten through us killing others. Now I can only think of one incident where the armour we got, might have been duped and that would have been when CnC/Marines was duping stuff like mad and waging an all out war on us. We would slaughter them and they would just come back with more dia armour. Now that doesnt make it justified to keep duped items but marines and CNC had dia armour before they started duping so it could be legit, however when I have killed them and found duped items like 3 stacks of dia blocks I have thrown it in lava. We don't have any stacked potions??? RedGander and AsX Dominate do not speak for LRG, though I do appreciate them defending us, they are new members and are not Representatives. If you would like to check my greencoins purchase history and the amount of hours I have spent on this server then go ahead. I have not duped once. Now I understand all of the commotion of this and where Awesomeo is coming from. If there was a really strong pvp faction with an in-penetrable base then even I would be suspicious of this. But before making huge decisions such as this I would appreciate just a little bit of common courtesy. Thank You. Edit: Proof
It's quite possible to get 86 diamond blocks on a pvp server. Through a means of mining, killing, and trading, I have managed to rack up 73 diamond blocks myself. Though I haven't really put any time into diamond collecting for quite some time. The reality is when you have a map like this that has been up for quite some time most of the diamond is already mined out and is circulating through the players.
Additional Proof of CnC Duping: Black Jesus logs in and off many more times. Duping with the nodus client requires that you do such actions.
Th3xD3stroy3r for the last 2 hours has been duping a considerably large amount of diamonds, dia swords, TNT, and armour in order to oppose LRG. He has also hacked... 1. Hacks In a battle with Th3xD3stroy3r he used flyhacking whilst on a boat which makes you go much faster. He also seemed to be using speedhacks due to his very quick speed whilst swimming. 1st Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4INDbdxGSmk Here you can see this quick speed. 2nd Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypYV5QSREJ4&feature=plcp You notice that he has remarkable speed whilst in a boat. Using fly-hacks greatly increases your speed. Pictures: This first picture shows several things, first-off it shows Th3x logging in and off for duping purposes. Secondly it shows that I killed 2 members of CnC (Th3x's faction). Upon killing one of them he had 28 Diamond Blocks. After killing another member we got an additional two stacks of diamond. I have also received 4 Smite IV Fire II swords from them meaning they have duped those to a good extent. Me with the 28 dia blocks in my inventory and Th3x logging in and off some additional times. Non Video/Photo Details 1. Yesterday they did not have an obsidian base, today they do. They could have mined it legitly but it raises suspicion. 2. They also had an Iron and Gold Block watchtower near their base and they seem to be producing TNT at an alarming rate. 3. Map1911 is currently playing on Th3x, this was revealed to me on Skype. Map is a known hacker and has been already banned. Hopefully if this evidence doesn't result in a ban, it will at-least raise suspicion.
Thanks for removing LRG from the polls, if your going to be that biased we might as well make a neutral poll. All this seems to be is a Discord Circle-jerk.
It's funny how Discord thinks their so good that when a major blow was dealt to them that "It must have been hacks". It may seem like a shock to you but other people actually know how to play this game too.
Juan is indeed the accussed. But he is the leader of LRG and his image reflects upon the whole faction. I also would like to see proof that we are hacking.
1. You never ever killed one us without gang banging someone running around in iron for no bloody reason 2. You logg of when we're in a 100 block radius of you 3. You admitted that u used freecam 2 days ago 4. I'm not taking your crap and you should stick to the topic; this is not the trash talk topic. Mathijis, 1. Juan killed quite a few of your members just last night and was about to kill you untill you fled to your friends like a coward. Also if you cant take us in iron then thats just sad. 2. I have never logged off from Discord. 3. I have never admitted to using hacks, do show me your proof. 4. I am directly replying to your false accusations about my faction. If you are complaining about my language choice then check your own post as it contains several amounts of profanity aswell. I would like to be civilized but your post wasnt civil. False accusations by definition are trash talking. 3
LRG has never used hacks and never will. Im sorry Mathijis but stop being a stuck-up bitch. Just because we have consistently slaughtered your members and destroyed your end portal doesnt mean we are hackers. Wake up and realize that you are not the king of this server and your not even that good. Yes we got into one of your end portals. It wasnt that hard and it only took about 3 ender pearls to get into. You see it doesnt take freecam to get into the end. It takes patience and hard work. For I can get into anything all it takes is time. Now you whining on the forums like a defeated newb is quite dissapointing. I honestly expected better from you. Also if you didnt know, you cant claim the End. Anything in there is fair game Just like your spawner which we enjoyed destroying. We didnt use freecam nor have we ever needed too. You accuse us without evidence and slander our names like we're cheap. Mathijis, rebuild the spawner and we will destroy it again. The days of discord are over, and to your surprise we did it all legitly
Ignorance is not an excuse for failure. There is something called ender pearls, learn how to use them. They let me get through doors and certain walls. Now stop being pissed because you died in Minecraft and actually do something about it, just stop whining about it on the forums because you don't know how to do faction pvp.
Well if you have the maturity level of 5 year old then sure. Otherwise stop bitching on the forums and do something about it. LRG is open for raiding any time.
There is a lava "biome" north of the red spawn. Well....
Well I'm sorry if your raging over my killing of you. But its a PVP server; if your going to be AFK you might as well log off.
You posted an application for a hack team that does Minecraft Griefing.
Discord you crack me Up
A quick google search showed you on the hackforums, and I'm sorry if you find it creepy that I remember you. We had a huge war against your faction on that server and it was quite awesome. Anyway its just a warning about a potential hacker and nothing other then that.
OhitzGeorgie an active member of this server is a known hacker throughout the internet community. After remembering him getting banned from the Mountain Craft server that I previously played on, I looked and did a quick investigation on him only to find a large trail of being banned and hack usage. 1st Piece of Evidence: SethHack is a hacking tool used for a variety of games. It may not be used for Minecraft but if you look under his name in the Image it says "Customer" which implies that he purchases Hacks. Now lets go onto Minecraft Specific Evidence 2nd Piece of Evidence OhitzGeorgie has been known to use hacked clients. This image is a screenshot he posted at http://forum.armathia.net/discussion/94/toggle-crouch-mod/p1 a server which he is currently banned at. The screenshot shows him using PickaClient, a modded Minecraft Client. Here is an example of the Client Notice the Sky Blue Coordinates shown in each image and the colored names. 3rd Piece of Evidence In order to further stress this notion here is a video that he himself made for Corby showing how to dupe items using the Nodus Client. Of course this an instructional video sent a moderator of this server but it still shows that he knows how to use clients and has used them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzJLXmNvxZM&feature=plcp 4th Piece of Evidence OHitzGeorgie has made several applications to "HackTeams" for Minecraft Servers. Here is the 1st. Here is the Second and Here is the Third, These are 3 images that directly show him applying for Minecraft hacking teams. 5th Piece of Evidence. Finally OhitzGeorgie has been banned on several servers for racism, griefing, and hacking. CadanceCraft a PVP faction server banned him for using direct hacks. This video from that server clearly implies and shows him hacking. Final Consideration: Now I have no exact proof of him using any form of hacks on the Minecraft.nl server however what I just posted up here is undeniable evidence that portrays him as a hacker. As a competitive and fair server we must ban all hackers and Ohitzgeorgie is no exception. *Note* I'm not a "CyberStalker", I literally found all of this within 5 minutes of searching as I remember him getting banned from another server I played on.
In the current faction setup whenever someone wants to protect their base from TNT attacks all they have to do is log off. If someone is raiding and builds a cannon the defending faction can easily log off and protect their base within the current system. This makes Minecraft PVP Imbalanced and is really just another form of PVP logging. But there are ways around the previously stated method. It would dramatically increase the level of player-vs-player interactions on this server if a specific time frame is selected right when someone logs off. What this means is that whenever someone logs off, anyone else could still blow up TNT on someones land for X amount of minutes. The previous server I was part of set this time-frame to 15 minutes. This allowed others to continue their raiding of a base regardless of whether someone logs off. However it still provided a form of protection for those who were logged off, for their territory was still protected after 15 minutes. If such a system could be added it would definitely add to the level of competition on this server and it would prevent this other form of "PVP" logging. Thank you.
I have a question, If someone abuses the boat glitch in order to pass through a wall which would give them access to kill players and potentially claim land from the faction, would that be considered illegal and against the rules of this server? and if so, If I have a screenshot of someone doing said action what would their repercussion be? Thanks