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Mr. Green Gaming


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About steve2003

  • Birthday 01/29/1980

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I love faction servers but I'm just extremely tired of not being able to build anything Interesting. The server is so geared towards attack. That the only defense is a square obsidian bace with water covering it then another layer of obsidian with lava covering it. As far as resources go. It would be a lot more challenging if not everyone had four stacks of diamonds.
  2. 1 running 1.8 2 Only able to mine in your own land 3 TNT won't work except to kill 4 after land is claimed you can't move it 5 only lose power if you're not on for a week 6 some sort of economy with shops 7 chest can be open by enemies 8 doors and pressure plates buttons and switches can also be used by enemies 9 donor packs to be limited to resources only no super abilities 10 map resets no more than every six months This is my list what's yours
  3. If that is true and we were just bested I feel a lot better about the situation. Although I never even saw you and didn't believe that we were killed by a player until it was posted in chat. In the future I'll send my brother in first. I play on an 07 Mac mini from my couch. So it's not the fastest of computers.
  4. "In the time that it takes to load the new map. You can kill two people in full diamond armor." If that IS the case (I'm not saying it is, could be talking out his arse) it seems fair to add like 3 seconds of invulnerability upon entering/leaving the end? The same as log in protection worked, just people wouldnt be able to abuse it like that Three seconds of invulnerability would work great. I'm not trying to complain. I would just love to see this server back to its former glory. It seems to me that issues like this could really force people to find another more accommodating server. PS thanks for the reply
  5. My brother and I. Went to the end portal last night. To collect pearls and level up. As soon as we went through the end portal we were both killed by one person cloaked and camping on the portal. In the time that it takes to load the new map. You can kill two people in full diamond armor. It's not very fun to be cheated out of a fair fight. Please add a safe zone to the end side portal
  6. Good Choice of the winners. And thanks for the mention of spheres arena. My original design was to have an additional ring that would run horizontal around the structure. As well as spheres inside of this ring structure. It was just too big of a build to complete in the allotted time. I plan on copying the structure into my server and completing it I'll send you a picture when it's done. PS I can't wait to play bomerman that looks awesome. Just wish I would've thought of it.
  7. Thank you.
  8. since exp seems easier to get in 1.3 people get looting swords and can farm pearls quiet fast in the end. (If they have a portal) also pearls can still be (easymode) duped(created) but I guess only admins & few people know how. (lets keep it that way) I think more than just a few know about the unlimited supply of pearls. Every old abandoned base I have cleaned has had a chest full of pearls what does that say if that's what's been left behind
  9. I completely agree with this. The reason my faction went to Peacefull. Is the extreme amount of pearls available on the server. If you can't build an amazingly awesome and enormous base that protects you and your faction from PVP what's the point of playing. My faction does not plan on playing on the server when it is updated i unless the pearls are removed. Or at least the ability to have an unlimited supply of pearls.
  10. This is still a problem today. And no mods on my computer. Melons worked. But we mainly have bread.
  11. heysup u mrspectacular? lol i was in ur base u tried to burn me When I was drawing up the plans I dident think that enderpearls would be so easy to make. The bace was not supposed to be so easy to get in. So it's been very hard to complete.
  12. Oh lordy. My name's Steven and I thought you'd stalked me, found out that was my name and tried to trick me into thinking you were in my faction. I sometimes wonder how my brain manages to grant me with autonomous breathing. Lol it's nice to know your name.
  13. Steve2003 sphere
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