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Mr. Green Gaming


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. ^ like a baws rui you nawb
  2. Bad influence for doing his job?
  3. I just noticed that I can moderate the servers when all the European admins are asleep/offline. Mostly because i live in America.
  4. he is a very good admin. Good luck!
  5. STEAM NAME: Dr.Richtofen GAME SERVER: Mr.Green GMod | Zombie Survival AGE: 14, But i am mature for my age. COUNTRY OF ORGIN: United States. SOMETHING LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF AND WHY YOU THINK YOU ARE FIT TO BE ADMIN: I am currently admin on 2 other ZS servers which are RIOT servers zs and Young Envision Community ZS so i know what its like being admin. ZS is practically all i play on GMod. My play time on the server is 41 hours. I think i am fit for admin because i know the rules and i don't abuse and i know most of the admins so they can help me if i make a mistake. Thanks for taking your time to read my Admin Application
  6. Go! Go! Rico o choften!

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