How many play minecraft? Alot. Why is it every server you go to you see people pleading for Mod rights? Because they don't see when a person types " Please please please let me be a mod im responsible please ill do anything why cant I be a mod?" that these people are not mature and will not enforce or even look for rule breakers. Then why have rules? It was either already in the program when it was installed and no one person knew how to change it or they just hoped that it would scare people into following them. Since I have been on minecraft I have went from one public server to the next spending large amounts of time on each in the attempt to find one with a active and mature staff that actually does what they are intended to do. I have asked each server after a few days of them complaining about what one another is has or won't do how old they was. I have gotten silence from 90% of these people and they log out of the game. The ones who answered said they was between the ages of 8-13. Now what makes or even compels someone to give someone the rights to operate a server that houses more than 3 or 4 people? I have no idea. How many people have I seen get banned or removed from these servers? About 5 and the odd thing was those 5 people was the ones appointed as Mod's. All of them. What happens when someone with a background puts in for a MOd position? Nothing, its ignored. Why is this? They don't what someone that knows what they are doing and are not willing to give up items in-game to people just for them to call them cool. Children will fight and argue with people on these servers because they think they are making themselves look big but in reality its the same as a newborn throwing a fit because there hungry. Lets give them a bottle and send them on there way. A game is a game simple as that and when one person decides to cheat in some way it makes the game no longer fun for everyone else making the attempt to have fun or forget about something else. It eventually makes those legit players leave the game and go somewhere else. What happens when the legit people leave the game and only the cheats remain? A bunch of cheaters calling one another cheaters and either they get mad and stop playing, they hunt for better cheats or they are all in the same faction/guild/group/clan. Well in the instance that a honest dependable staff is taken in to operate a server the way it was intended people get ticked off and start to cry because they get busted and the rules are enforced. Yes I have my open personal servers for multiple games and I use to play a few games with some people who had a minecraft server. But when a plugin was put in they liked it was quickly disliked once it was used to defend against them so them the GM went on and they removed the defense from the person using it as everyone else seems to do. Find some people who will actually enforce the rules stated on the page and see how many people you find removed within the first 30 minutes from using the simplest of cheats such as X-ray. When a person takes a dig directly down in the ground and right to a diamond block it has nothing to do with the locations of the blocks its because they used x-ray and seem there was diamond there and wanted to snag it. Well those who do this legit will dig around and find something good and start taking it out and a x-ray user will come right out after them and kill them. 3 weeks not on this server I have seen spam bots and it took an hour before they was removed or just left. Not one time have I seen anyone get banned. I have seen people fly,jump,warp,follow,hit without being hit, run and even fall from hights that is far beyond the damage limit and still live and kill whom ever they was after. NO ban followed and this post will more than likely be removed within minuted from the time it is posted. I will be going back to shadowbane soon where real pvp takes place and real staff controle the game. Where it takes more than a good sword to over power soneone.