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Mr. Green Gaming

THE Mazahaka

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Everything posted by THE Mazahaka

  1. First: not enough micspam - it must be over 9000000000 not 9000. :[] Second: where is grenadesuicidejump when you jumping from roof? L0l. Third: where Mr. Mazahakus? Super vid!!!!!!
  2. Hello! Im Dr. Mazahakus that usually playing on ZS server. And every day i looking on that g*y. Idk why he is still not banned so i will now try to ban him ... SO THIS MAN always breaking cades or nailing random stuff to the earth and then suiciding... WTH!? I and Pufulet are tryed to explain him,that these things will be in result a ban. Of course i have a lot of PROOF in my steam profile. My name in steam - Dr. Mazahakus. Name of this g*y - [bH][DJ]McMuffin... etc. P.S. Also you can see my another pictures in my profile, i thing they are so funny. P.S.S. (or P.S. or P.P.S. .. omg) SORRY FOR MY FAILURE ENGLISH ILL TRY TO PACH IT!
  3. The Proof is f12 key. :[]
  4. Oh well. Hello LEft 4 Green forums. Im new to here. And here is my version of that story. On the Green Pub map, in Garry`s Mod ZS, MCGSC .... (man,pls, MAKE SIMPLIER NAME), and another guy are tried to make fail barricade out of wooden shelves. There was metal bed behind them. And i broke these wooden shit, to get that bed. This mountain which was made of shelves wasnt even nailed. So i havn`t thought that was a barricade. Anyway we won this wave and all were happy, except MCGSComgnoob, which was chosen as zombie in the start of the wave. The End. P.S. Sorry for my failure english. Ill try to patch it.
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