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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Qror

  1. Anyone, Y U NO invite me back to guild ;n;
  2. How about we make some guild meeting on PvE or WvWvW? Not now, of course, but I'm quite bored. Here's sign of unity in our guild: :polishflagorwhatever:
  3. All I want right now for my current engineer is my "Trollson 9001" (renamed pomson) to be strange Widowmaker, and my Hotrod to be unusual hotrod with nutz-n-boltz. Current Loadout: "Trollson 9001" "Assuming Direct Control" (Renamed wrnagler) Strange Botkiller Wrench (silver) Hotrod G. Pip-Boy "Pimpuś" (renamed Pocket Purrer) High Five! Taunt
  4. Guild member must invite me :/
  5. So the exact name of Mr. Green's guild is "Rings Of Fire" ? LvL 16 Charr Mesmer wants to join P.S: Name as same as here
  6. C: (or D:)\Steam\steamapps\<your steam nick>\garrysmod\garrysmod\sound. The files are called "lasthuman_fixed" and the boss song is "deadlife_mrgreen_insane"
  7. Qror

    Ponies mod

    The ammount of ""s in your post made me reconsider the theory of evolution.
  8. Qror

    Ponies mod

    Shouldn't we just close this thread? I mean, avarge bronies follow some simple rules like: "Watching MLP makes you awesome, but people who hate it should calm down, it's just a show" "Someone has a different opinion on MLP than you do? TROLL! HATER!" "Oh this forum has no MLP threads in it. Better Flood it with stupid references and quotes so people will like it" "I just spammed your mail with brony stuff so you can like it, why do you hate me?!" "I'll change my nick, avatar, spray, in-game title and profile so they will be brontastic. OMG anti-bronies = attention whores" Obviously there some examples that don't follow these rules, and haters are mostly people who never watched the show so yup, we don't want another war here.
  9. Qror

    Ponies mod

    Rainbow flag and unicorns are symbols of homosexualism. That's why. Although haters don't find any other reason to dislike MLP and brony community (I don't like just some part of brony community, so i'm an example there are some reasons different from "Gay and fag". I've got nothing to the show, and if you want to start a flame war with me, send me a message, I don't want this thread to go offtopic). P.S.: Most of non-broneis also fnd this somewhat unnormal to watch a show which "theoreticly" is for people at every age, but to be honest it's just for kids. So yeah, you can also meet people calling your pedophiles etc.
  10. Not sure I should be Charr engineer or Charr Mesmer
  11. It's just an empty gesture, but happy birthday, mate!
  12. Just remember that the second one is way better. Just because you can't play doesn't mean the whole server is worse
  13. You should really buy css already. Its very important for zs maps. Yeah, the problem si get about 12.50 euro per month, so or I collect it for GW2 or for CSS. But back to topic,thsi map should really have different name than "zs_dump_v<insert number here>", it looks a lot different than the original
  14. Well, another emo texture map is coming out, yay :Po
  15. Now I like it. Go ahead and add me to the supporters of the document.
  16. wow, someone approves my opinion on tuurets :3
  17. IMO turret shouldn't be unlockabel only by killing the boss. It seems it's hard to get kills with it since 5 kills in one match grant you an achievement.
  18. I've seen some materials from that beta. Damn I wish I could set bones of my own model and set something so people can't change it. For now only other peopel can change your bones, am I right?
  19. You mean "Ban Monitor"
  20. ok, so I guess I should be less a-social so here you go: 1. Karol, 16 years old 2. Gdynia, Poland [GMT +1] 3. Just few Polish communities, mainly focused on TF2 4. I waste my life by playing computer games. Oh yes, I still live with parents. 5. Junior High School, 3rd class, no profiles yet. 6. Forever Alone Ginger { D: } 7. I'm neither brony or a hater, but I'm annoyed by both groups. Also atheists starting flame wars all the time annoy me too. Note; you may supply with a photo if you want to.
  21. You eyeballin' me?
  22. Sup guys! Using my pro MS paint skills I made few sprays for our dear ZS fans. Here you go: Place ALL the turrets! Cade ALL the things! (this one's for Box) Heal ALL the things! Say NO to FAGSITES Hope you'll stand that... let's say "quality" but I was in a hurry.
  23. We really ned soem bigger maps instead of over 3 versions of pub (in which in most cases everyone dies before 4th wave). Same thing with houses (like Lost cost house or nasty house). Well exept for dead house, that map is big enough
  24. Agreed, mines in ZS aren't timed bombs, and S.L.A.M. can be remotely detonated. Also how about adding short laser to the model, just to show it's range?
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