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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Samx

  1. Well, i updated my new map but it seems like no one replies D:
  2. Samx

    My new map

    Hey it's me again : D I changed the theme to night, made the textures look more realistic, better lightning, made the outside smaller (There is still an empty corner but this is where zobie spawn will be) and so on.. Here it goes: zs_project_foxhound.zip
  3. Samx

    My new map

    Alright thanks for the replies, i'm gonna work on it and post again later, maybe tomorrow
  4. So here i am, i made a new map Name: zs_project_foxhound Plot: It's a militairy research facility. It had to be closed, because too many test subjects died.. The survivers arrive some month after it has been closed. No one laid a finger on it since it has been closed, and the security system i still online. Shots: What people will do: Curious players will destroy the cade thats blocking the 3rd floor and activate the security system. Lasers will be activated and maybe some players will die. In order to get past the lasers they will have to destroy the power supply, but that will turn of the lights too. To turn on the light again, they will have to get outside to the shed. Inside of it is a fuse box. If you press E on it, the light will be activated again. What you should do if you test it: Press E on the computer in the labor. Push the button infront of the radioactive water. I hope you like it , If something is wrong with it tell me and i will change it. When you think my map is ok, tell me and i will add spawns and its ready for the upload zs_project_foxhound.zip
  5. I have only Hackb

  6. Alright i updated the map and here is it. Changes: -Fixed some water issues -Many things changed for better balancing -Zombies have a second entry to the underground room -And some other little things Cheers zs_house_number_23_v2.zip
  7. Alright, the map runs good and i think the people like it. But of course i've seen some problems.. i wanna fix them. Can i upload the fixed version as zs_house_number_23_v1.bsp or something like that and then you replace it with the older one?
  8. Thats pretty good i think, i hope its enough
  9. Hmm.. I but i think the map runs quite ok.. there are maps where my fps drop below 40 and on my map its never under 60.. so I think its not thaaat bad..
  10. Germany
  11. Yo, I tried to optimize it.. now i get 65 fps when i look at the house.. I have a ATI HD 3870 2 gig ram and amd 4400+ x2 PS: i get around 40 fps on storm I don't know if its enough for you but here it is : http://rapidshare.com/files/167654994/zs_h...ber_23.bsp.html
  12. Ouch, lol.. then i'm gonna try to optimize it.. I'll post again tommorrow.
  13. Whoa that map is great i really think you are doing an awesome job the zombosphere is perfect ;D and i like the underground base. I'm really looking forward to play this map. noobs won't last long
  14. thanks for the tip.. i'll reupload the version with the fixed shadows in a few minutes of course i'll test your map .. the pictures looked awesome! i'll reply to your topic when i'm finnished Edit: Here it goes: zs_house_number_23
  15. Alright, thank you The map is finnished now, I added spawns, some moar props and stuff ;D Here is the download link: Use the link on the post below Here are some screens to show you what it looks like now... I hope you like it
  16. Thanks for all the comments and thanks for the tipp Ywa. I changed the windows and doors a bit, i hope they're better now. Here is v1 of my map i named it "house_number_23.bsp" http://rapidshare.com/files/167064401/house_number_23_v1.bsp.html You can test it if you want.. If you find a bug or something i wasn't able to find, please let me know Here are some more screens: Cheers
  17. Yo folks, I've been working on a map for zombie survival and i would like to show it to you. It has no name yet but here are some screens: Here are all screenshots with some other informations. http://tinyurl.com/69kees The map is no rip-off, everything is made by me. It's still not finnished, if you don't like something, please tell me and i'll try to make it better. Cheers
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