Well, I got banned like 1 or 2 months ago. I got banned for hacking and yes I was hacking. But I'm really sorry for it. I played on this server for very long. After I got banned I quitted MC, I was on skype yesterday after a long time and I saw few people talking (old MC friends) that I should play MC again. I wanted it too because the map was resetting. I have the money to buy a new MC account, but I'm still pretty young so I asked my parents if I could buy a new MC account. But they said 'no'. I think it's unfair that some hackers have like a million alts, which they didn't even buy. Some people have no alts. So the major hackers who even hack alts get more chances to play when just a simple forcefielder (I am really sorry for forcefielding) like me gets knocked off from the server for ever. There are probabely a few people saying that I have alts and shit. But those accounts weren't mine they where from friends and my friend got one of my half alts banned too and the other changed his password. I want to help my friends with their factions D: (like snackbarr, sgtfada, flodhest, witherfang, bobbinator1999 and jeroen070). Can I please get an unban? I would really love to. I would do almost everything for an unban. Greets Moonenboy,