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Mr. Green Gaming


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RedGander last won the day on July 8 2013

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  1. Just checking out the time capsule If you ever see this add me on steam or discord !



    SenderOne#8672 Discord


  2. RedGander

    End problems

    If a faction is inactive, eventually the members will lose power and the end portal can be claimed over.
  3. Eventually they will all be banned. We are currently working out some issues.
  4. The server will now restart every 3 hours, and will restart within 5 minutes if it crashes.
  5. Done
  6. All correct. God apples will not be added back, and we will not create any non-vanilla potions.
  7. After some consideration, markers will be removed. It's too hard to remove them, and the plugin does not have a feature to delineate between faction land and not (updated the OP). Explosion mechanics will be purely vanilla; hopefully people will find motivation to fight if it's much easier to enchant, get diamonds, and get potions
  8. Gapples probably will be removed but I dont think it's such a good idea since ore spawns are doubled Not sure what your suggestion was but I'm glad you like it. Also, enchanted golden apples (god apples) will still be banned.
  9. Due to a lot of problems with Bukkit, we cannot update the server to 1.8 unfortunately. Instead, there will be a map reset for 1.7 again on Saturday, September 20th at 9:00 AM Dutch time. Server-wide changes: Players will automatically join the factions server when logging in (survival and creative can still be joined through portals at spawn). The duels and diamond armor FFA from the PvP server will be merged into the Factions server. The old FFA with iron armor and killstreak upgrades will also be added to factions. Changes to Factions: The enchanting limits of Protection II, Sharpness III, etc, wil be removed. Instead, experience gain will be boosted by a factor of four. Vanilla explosion mechanics. Potions will be set to 1.5 mechanics (healing potions are stronger, strength potions weaker). All potion bans will be lifted! Potions will be easier to get (haven't decided how yet) All ore spawn rates will be doubled. Snowball marker system will be removed A Star Cache system will be setup. Treasure will regularly spawn every hour at certain locations if enough players are online, and factions must fight to claim the loot. Possibly a delayed GC shop in-game (uncertain). If something doesn't work out, we can always change it. Feel free to give feedback <kodauer> RedGander is sexy </kodauer>
  10. A bit of swearing is fine; excessive flaming is something to be dealt with. Having very specific rules like "no caps" aren't necessary because it's part of common sense.
  11. Nocheat has already been adjusted, frozen moving is caused by lag or other issues. For now, relogging should fix the problem.
  12. Thanks for reporting these issues, but these are all things that are not really in our control. The exception is the potions not being usable in spawn, which is in place to prevent people from throwing poisons and other debuff potions at each other the moment they spawn.
  13. The problem with that is that the Bukkit API does not allow for detection of which side of a block a pearl lands on.
  14. Could you PM coordinates of certain blocks? I found your base but don't know what to check.
  15. Will this happen next map, or soon this map already, btw, if you need any help, ask me, Ill help you whenever I can I havent got any other ideas... Maybe other playeds do, post them in the comments if you got one pls :3 Ohh and Red, why isnt ur name blue?... Ywa forgot or hasn't gotten around to it yet
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