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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. I like
  2. This topic name is not ideal, it should be called something like this: most skilled pvp faction. Because the (most) skilled factions here will say they fear no faction (while they DO can give an opinion on which faction they find skilled, which they are withholding atm) cheers
  3. Belgium people welcome too ^^ ?
  4. I didn't read the entire post. I just want to say I heard (in a youtube video): max enchant for sword is now sharp IV, max for pick is eff IV, This balances enchantment a bit more. If everyone can get enchantments by mining, dungeon spawner xp grinders become less interesting. If you want to make the spawners completely useless : I've seen plugins that make mobs from spawners not drop xp. This is particullary interesting for the servers performance as, letting 200 mobs spawn before killing them causes laggspikes for other players. A possible fix for the end is: - leave all the portals as they are - add an extra portal (as soon as all 3 portals are claimed, or at the start of map) on warzone build by admin, similar to how the furnace towers are, but with a bit of a harder parcour (making it that you have a chance of dying while hardcore parcouring). This way, big factions can still fight for end-portals, which is a easy entrance to the end, and normal/small factions have also a way to get to the end, but it's a bit of a hassle so the end wont become an tourist attaction where you can just go in and out easily. And it gets rid of the end monopoly (in the past, if a faction claimed all end portals it could easily make an enderman grinder). Maybe we should have an seperate topic to discuss all balance issues (enchantments, potions, the end monopoly, claiming around warzone/safezone/furnace towers, enderpearl glitch, villagers possibly being all killed next map messing up trading, spawner grinders, herobrine still being in the game, 3rd world hunger problems, ...)
  5. I suggest making the transfer of gc a webserver feature instead of something you do ingame in mc. Than there is no possible way of exploiting it for duping mc items
  6. Wtf when did I write this I don't know how this got here, but that is a reply I made in ANOTHER topic *link*
  7. syncr0


    Wow, just wow...! What exactly was the authentication server exploit, or how did they do this? Ps: ohitz has 5 mc accounts (at least), which I can confirm, if this is any help to you Also in the past Ohitz tried to trick me into thinking he was awesomeo_5000 on skype (impersonating admins. How low can you go...) , so this guy doesn't belong on this server! Anyway Clavus, good thinking, using their IP to find out who the culprit(s) were & taking out the trash!
  8. syncr0


    LOL, sorry but this is funny What did you think to achieve with this post other than giving everybody a laugh
  9. I love how this promotes mining & smelting. So people will be more motivated to use smooth stone (smelted cobble = xp) or stone brick (4 smooth stone) for their bases. So less ugly cobble buildings and less xp farms from spawners (so less lagg basically). Mining is fun again, I'm enjoying it!
  10. I've been paying around with the snapshot and it's much MUCH easier to enchant your stuff now. You only have to go to level 30 max and you can gain xp from mining ores, smelting stuff in furnaces. The end grinder isn't that important no more. I'll give you some numbers (I did the tests myself in past): in 1.2.5: killing 200 blazes or 400 zombies/skelle/spiders/enderman give you around 30 to 35 levels of xp (from 0 to 30-35) killing 485-490 blazes or around 970-980 zombies/skelle/spiders/enderman give you 50 levels of xp (from 0 to 50) Now in the snapshot: - Maximum enchant level is 30 (so this is around half the amount of xp you'd have to get than to get to level 50, this is because the xp system is exponential) - I can from level 0 to 30 by mining around 2-3 stacks of ores (iron & gold ore don't drop xp orbs, but they do when u smelt them) - Haven't done much test with smelting stuff in furnace. I'll smelt 10 stacks of cobble in furnaces & post to which level I'll get from level 0 EDIT: this made me go from level 0 to level 26. So conclusion, I say: wait until 1.3 is out before you make any gameplay changing decisions (plugins, etc..), because 1.3 is gonna be gameplay changing by itself
  11. I actually did a request on this @ https://github.com/MassiveCraft/Factions/issues?sort=updated&state=open I don't know if they even read them.. official thread @ http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-fun-factions-1-6-8-guilds-war-and-user-controlled-antigrief-1-2-5-r4-0.19063/page-106
  12. This is how I see it: Short version (aka TL;DR): Agreed Long version: Personally I like glitches, they make trying to get into someones base more of a challenge, which makes it more interesting & exciting. It's starts to get boring when everyone has figured out how to make their base tnt proof... And if you can't get in a base, you can't claim and there pretty much no battle left whatsoever. I understand some people have problems with these glitches not being morally acceptable, but: Imagine The following 2 scenario's: scenario A: Imagine if the admins were to give out penalties to everyone who uses a glitch, this would become too much of a hassle. You have to define which are glitches & which are not, some might be considered a glitch by some, while the same one can be considered not a glitch by someone else. They'd have to keep track of players + it is very hard to get evidence. And what when a player accidently get stuck in a wall after enderpearling? He could walk or fall through the wall. Should he be penaltied? Can you prove it was an accident or not? No.. Annoying.. It would be too much of a waste of time for the admins. They got more important things to spend their time with (ACTUAL cheaters: people with cheat mods; performance issues; updates/patches/plugins; setting up safezones, building stuff; promoting; etc.) scenario B: - Than there is the other situation where everyone is allowed to use the same amount of 'tricks' as the next person: which is use any action which can give you a benefit (with the use of a vanilla minecraft), duping NOT included. This is a good setup. Everyone is pretty much equal, there should be no one with a disadvantage. The only disadvantage you can have is the lack of knowledge (of glitches): for instance not knowing what a boat glitch is, how to use it and how to protect your base against it. So this is pretty much like the lack of knowledge of non-glitches : they also give you a disadvantage in the game. (simple example: hitting someone while sprinting makes them knockback; so for instance you don't really need a knockback sword to knock someone of a mountain. If you don't know stuff like this you have a disadvantage => same goes with glitches) I like scenario B a lot more to be honest. It might not sound 100% moral, but at least it makes it fair for everyone. To give another example: in scenario A there can be a case where you KNOW for sure someone glitched in your base, but you can never get evidence ('cause it's so hard), which cause a lot of frustration, demotivation, hate, annoyances, etc... You could blame the lack of bukkit plugins & the developpers, you rage towards the the L4G admins, you could annoy , whine, rage, hate, bother jeb... But in the end you'll be sitting behind your pc waiting ... and nothing will happen. Except all those negative feelings will only grow bigger. But in scenario A you have certainty that everyone is equal & has the same abilities as long as they are willing to learn them. Soo, if we all accept this rule ("glitching is not against the rules -except duping-, go annoy jeb or a bukkit team member if you don't like it"), it will make all our gameplay experiences better. So go ahead and glitch into the bases of whoever attacked you & kick their asses! See glitches as something new you can learn (like all those things you can learn on youtube like farm designs etc.), see it as a challenge. Here's what I do: I test these things in single player. If you understand how a glitch works, you'll eventually learn how to make ANTI-glitch bases Sidenote: I do want to point out, that no one here should not take offence in what I say. I'm not attacking anyone personally. I'm only giving my opinion. I say this because I sensed a flame war starting to emerge with some of the people who have posted here & I don't want to be in the middle of it. Just giving my opinion. Happy minecrafting
  13. I have an idea: Sell villager spawn eggs for green coins! But don't you admins go and slaughter all villagers in the map than! another greencoins package idea: for all other friendly mobs (except mooshroom), sell 2 spawn eggs for each (for instance sell 2 cow spawn eggs for x greencoins). This way people can make their animal farm easily.
  14. For your information: We, HypeR, destroyed 'redcastle', 'pro', 'Team', ... All factions of over 30 players, If I remember correctly (and only a small fraction of the factions we disbanded), and we got loads of duped armor & weapons (prot IV, sharpness V & IV), diamond blocks (we had over 20 stacks from raids, we burned most cause they only take up space) even stacked pots (which we unstacked; cause we're not lame) from them. In the beginning we killed most without prot IV (which says a lot about their skill; don't get me wrong they had good members, but most of them were noobs wearing prot IV and not being able to defend themselves), but in the end we all got that good loot as a reward. Also had some tougher, but not invincible oppononents & when we killed them occasionally we got stacked pots & prot IV off them (themonkeys,trollz,blackbird,lonewolves ) TL;DR: long story short: kill some noobs, gets some easy prot IV. Eventually not only dupers have duped items, also the people who raid. Let's hope, on the new map, no new dupes emerge so we can all play normally again
  15. Reporting hackers & dupe glitches is a great idea for a reward! @about duping But this time please...don't post the duplication or any popular hack abuse on a public topic. Seriously. That's advertising and only makes it worse. The admins should be pm'ed for this (& admins should delete topics about duping if any make it).
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