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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by headcrusherxd

  1. in my opinion it needs to come back, it makes the game harder.

    so you can't just place doors but you need piston doors :)

    i don't understand why it is removed cuzz now its realy easy to built a safe base -.-

  2. in my opinion the game is a bit easy. mayby this plugin will make it harder

    don't remove the potions just make it harder to get it. :D

    Watching Etho much?

    uhh no etho is boring.

    i watch Bdoubleo100 :D

  3. clavus said:Just check the nearby village...

    did you take a look at it? no you didn't!

    if you did you knew about the shortcut that teleports you in the gate to oblivion.

  4. hmm a shortcut

    than they need to claim around that too (or an ally).

    if they want the end for them alone :P

    tip: if you want to make a roof than use pistons :D

  5. Hello, i started this topic because of i wanted to donate 10euro's but the method that is required just doesnt fit in my requirements, and i think alot of people have this problem that they just cant do paypal. Ur missing out on alot of donations and i would ask to evryone who reads this topic to vote on the poll if u want or not want more methods to donate to these awsome guys that keep these servers a life!!


    why u don't make a paypal account and put your 10euro on that.

    than u can donate.

  6. Factions are starting to know how to dupe and this is a problem. I never saw methods of duplication, but I heard that people know how to (TheMonkeys told me that, they said they know how). Dupe exploits are illegal and people who know how to dupe should be watched from a distance. Dupe knowledge is pretty much as bad as duping, and what faction doesn't (know how to) dupe? Factions like TheMonkeys and LRG know how to dupe, most likely. This has gone far enough, and I suppose those dupers have forgotten how to play fair.

    chaimanner i can tell you that Themonkeys aren't dupers and no they don't know how to dupe.

    i know they have like 40 diamond blocks but they raided it

    and who of Themonkeys said that?

  7. How is it possible for someone not from my faction being able to burn my wooden structures??

    This happened 20 minutes ago by the player Xpr0legendX from the faction TheMonkeys.

    I saw him in my base (on the live-map), and immediately i started minecraft to check what he was doing there still (because we were sworn enemy's on faction wars.

    and there i saw him burning my wooden house, he got scared when i dropped in front of him and he logged instantly! i suspect a alt+f4 even.

    After that i was a second too late with Fraps :-(

    But still it left me wondering how this could be possible in claimed territory?

    After XprolegendX logged off he immediately logged back on as uiltje45 and started to claim my friends's base (theGodz) and these friends are also from my faction on the faction wars map (also sworn enemy's of xprolegendx)

    I know i dont have proof, i just want to warn players for (apparently) trusted players on the map that do weird stuff and are being able to grief in claimed territory.

    bermbom are you sure he logged on at uiltje45 because thats my account :S

    i know xpr0 is my brother but i didn't knew he knows my pw

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