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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Alex~

  1. Nice! Hopefully your going to make zs_flatgrass soon... :3
  2. Thankyou for uploading this.
  3. Can you get Damien to update the unlock list plox?
  4. To fix that, check this topic here, it was started by a person who had the same problem, and the solution is there. In other words, download this Also if you press F4 in the gameplay sections untick "Spawn on humans". Then you wont spawn in a cade, unless they caded the human spawn. Thankyou!!!
  5. Hello! I have a minor glitch that delays loading time it's very annoying and i end up spawning with a group of noobs behind a failcade. Everytime i load a new map i have to download 'chainsaw', it looks a bit like this: downloading chainsaw.phy... ect. If anyone knows a possible fix for this then please share! Thanks for reading.
  6. Hello there, here are just a few 'suggestions' for the server; think of it as some community feedback. You have probably think you know what im going to say... 'GET RID OF FAGSTIE AND FAGCRAB OMG' But no (although i do agree with the removal of meatsheilded Fastzombie and headcrab) I don't think you should remove anything, it's all great! Although in my opinon things that are fast should have low health and lower damage, but the slower zombies should have 'thicker' skin and deal more damage, you basically have this on the server right now. But why does a Headcrab have nearly twice the health of a Human? Headcrabs are difficult to take care of quickly as they are fast and small, this is why almost every player hates the sight of them. But instead of just telling you what is wrong i'll throw out some ideas. The Undead *Less accurate Poison Headcrab corrosive spit but quicker fire-rate *Weaker jump for Fastzombies (have you see how thin thier legs are) *Headcrabs can only damage a human by attacking the head (the user will have to use skill not just finger spam) +After Regular Zombie howl 'YABBA MA ICEING' (right click) add a single chance to attack with double the damage +Fast zombies get fatigued after a 5+ jumps (cooldown) +Individual music for each boss (no dubstep please) Humans +Optional lottery with 1st 2nd 3rd and Last; 1st player will get Ammo, Sp and a few greencoins, 2nd will get Ammo and Sp and 3rd will get Ammo. Last place will give you a 'rape in the ass'. This can be triggerd by an Admin or maybe a !vote. +Weapon overheat; it could decrease accuracy and fire (after spam firing a whole clip) -Remove teleport to Xen Overall +Add 30s longer before zombies spawn this will hopefully prevent Nabus from early cadeing. I may edit this further when i have time, thankyou for reading.
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