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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Bidzman123

  1. This was an amazing server in the past. Sadly we all saw this day coming and now it is here. Although I wasn't active at all because i have moved on to league of legends and school. I still wish the best for everyone else in the future. This memories started of my minecraft life and damn hell it was amazing. Goodbye all. -iBidz_ <3
  2. Every time I try to go spawn through the end portal I seem to suffocate...
  4. *Cough* my idea *cough*
  5. Probably wont win, thought I'll have a go anyways.
  6. Theres no point once the map resets the server will be full again, il'l give it a week or two before no one goes on it
  7. The server has officially gone dead again... Advertisement should defiantly help out i found the server on a youtube video
  8. Dont unban this idiot, he hacked so bad that day
  9. Whats the point...
  10. Check the date it was uploaded
  12. I dont see any problem with having another admin.
  13. You can't make unban topics for other people.
  14. Yea cause you are the top abuser of f homing. lawl
  15. Good luck Kod Btw I am 1st
  16. Thank god! Could you add something with voting aswell to encourage it more
  17. adding atleast 2 diamonds to the voting will encourage everyone to vote or something else in game
  18. you cant mine spawners bloody hell this will lag the server out like crazy
  19. Bidzman123


    its probably the internet
  20. Bidzman123


    it doesnt take that long for me...
  21. Bidzman123


    So whats the difference of me having a armor mod....
  22. Bidzman123


    LOL why would windows 8 provide minecraft users with a durability mod get your head checked.
  23. Bidzman123


    Delete your minecraft jar sherlock (Nodus jar for you).
  24. Bidzman123


    Reason: Durability mod. 1:52
  25. Lol why would they do that people could have like 50 spawners. That will just destroy the server.
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