Pufulet Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 Some of you may know that I am quite the zs map enthusiast and for quite a while I have been trying to do my part in getting the server new map content, however that is generally not an easy task and its slow to accomplish. I am one of the people that provides map packs which contain several maps for the server. I do this because I want to see the server have a bigger map range and a wider variety of maps and I enjoy working with maps. One of the things that frustrates me is spending time making maps or puting map packs together and not seeing them reach the players. Me and Darkness made a map called Nowhere which was released on the 16 June 2011 and it was in one of the map packs. It still has not been added along with some of my other maps but thats not the reason I made this topic, its just an example I want to point out and im sure there is valid reason as to why its not and thats fine.Im sure most of you are aware that playing new zs maps is a very rare thing and that we have been playing the same maps over and over again for years but that does not have to be a bad thing. What is, is that how often we sometimes end up playing the same map twice in under a few hours because of the lack of maps.After a period of time this starts to feel dull and the map loses its excitment, how many times do we play subway_trainstation or fortress? On the server we also have some maps that the players dislike such as lostcoast house, virus inside joe and gravity. We also have some maps that can be broken or exploited even with exploit boxes. These have been around for quite a while. What im trying to point out is the lack of good map flow the server has and it seems like the players dont actually get a say in these maps and dont get to suggest new things as well as hardly any fresh content provided for the players to experience on the server. I know for a fact that this can easily be changed.What I have suggested a couple of times is that I should be given a chance to have full access to managing the server's maps. This might sound bad to some of you, and of course it will because I have made a few mistakes when I did have access, that being because I had to handle lots of files and folders, with maps its far easier and I fully know what Im doing.. I also added a map with zombie bad spawns in the latest map pack and I see that mistake, but I decompiled that map and fixed it myself. Cant always be flawless.What I would provide if given a chance to manage the maps is a good flow of map management which includes adding maps, removing bad maps, fixing maps and making remakes of old maps, I plan on doing this by having a good flow of information with the players by providing changelogs, looking at requests and using my knowledge of mapping and being one the players that is on the server daily. I would compose lists of maps, share them in a topic and get players to say their opinions of those maps and if they like them, add them. If players find flaws in maps I can simply decompile them and fix them as well as changing anything in those maps.I leave this with the current zs players, feel free to discuss this among yourselves and ask me any questions. Players are the main people who should get a say. Thanks for reading. Jason0905, Sentra, Mr. Darkness and 1 other 4 Quote
F1ddle D1ddle Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 (edited) I agree, we need to get rid of those absolute bumhole dirty maps (especially joe, god i HATE JOE!). Pufu maps rule, END OF! Edited April 9, 2012 by F1ddle D1ddle Quote
Dr.Minky Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 (edited) I don't see why not.. No one else would do it, and I don't think you'd be a silly willy and stick loads of un-needed abuseable crap in it. If the game mechanics had an update then makes sense to update all the maps too.Sounds like a big task for you though, I think it'd be smarter to have you lead it and then share the work between a few mappers..I would demand a secret Minky gay club to be put onto a map, just saying Edited April 9, 2012 by Dr.Minky Quote
F1ddle D1ddle Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 I don't see why not.. No one else would do it, and I don't think you'd be a silly willy and stick loads of un-needed abuseable crap in it. If the game mechanics had an update then makes sense to update all the maps too.Sounds like a big task for you though, I think it'd be smarter to have you lead it and then share the work between a few mappers..I would demand a secret Minky gay club to be put onto a map, just sayingWhat Minky said Quote
Jason0905 Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 (edited) I would agree, being a regular player as well. The current map list is too small resulting in repeats of the same maps after a couple of map choices. We'll end up playing Fortress then another map, then after that selection it's back to Fortress again. It would be nice to see a much larger variety of maps that are well balanced which goes to the other point, balance of some maps. Maps like 'Please', 'Joe', 'Pub (the bad version)', 'Tigcrik' and a few more are Insta win maps for zombies. The zs community knows this but nothing is ever done about it.I feel Pufulet should be in charge of the map list for zombie survival as he has mapping experience and is a regular player on zs, he also receives regular feedback on the current state of the map list from players and he would make the map cycle. I am not saying that Necro sucks at choosing maps and he's a great coder making fresh new content and fixing bugs, but Pufulet has more in game experience and he is a mapper himself who would bring lots a high quality, fresh content to zombie survival. So at least give him a chance at playing around with the maps because he knows what he's doing when it comes down to maps, and if he makes a mistake, we'll let him know about it . Edited April 9, 2012 by Jason0905 Pufulet 1 Quote
Mr. Darkness Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 (edited) I agree with this statement.If you ppl didn't yet mention my title on ZS, it is about Nowhere, which I was waiting for like for ages.Won't put it off until it's added .Any way, about those bunch of pile of crap maps on ZS.There are just LOTS of maps which have no place on Mr. Green ZS. In my opinion, the server must have the most fresh and playable maps every round. Maps like Tigcrik have no place in ZS. Tigcrik is traditionally a HL2:DM map and is not playable in zs in no way.Gravity is a good map... but a good map for showing off. It has a good design n' shit, but is not playable in ZS AT ALL.There are just LOTS of House maps. Most part is not worth staying at zs.I also remember a map... something like a bunker map (meaning with no skybox)? It's small, very small, all you can find in it is a huge restroom/shower room to cade at (in older version of ZS) and at the end of the corridor, right next to zombie spawn (which has trigger_push with it).I also wonder who added zs_pub_v2. It's horrible. The 1st pub was excellent.Joe map: No comments? It's a GM map, not zs map. I really wonder who added and why did the author make it ZS.I still remember how maps used to be ranked by their quality, by their lighting and stuff, geometry (and I loved that challange). But now? Now we see only maps ranked by barricading and shit. Makes no fun in gameplay.All I want to say is the current gameplay just "stands still" with no changes. Nothing new, only new maps could give at least something, a new in taste.And Pufu, next time you get your rights back, don't add maps that you like or think you like them, discuss about those maps with a small group and then add. Edited April 9, 2012 by Mr. Darkness Quote
Dr.Minky Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 If you're gonna do it properly, I'd say you have a team of like 4 people. 2 people to be QA testers (finding bugs and suggest improvements) and then pufu and another mapper to fix the problems + improve the mapI wouldnt mind helping being a QA tester Mr. Darkness 1 Quote
Mr. Darkness Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 If you're gonna do it properly, I'd say you have a team of like 4 people. 2 people to be QA testers (finding bugs and suggest improvements) and then pufu and another mapper to fix the problems + improve the mapI wouldnt mind helping being a QA testerTotaly agree.I know when maps are worth playing and when they are not. Quote
Jason0905 Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 (edited) I also remember a map... something like a bunker map (meaning with no skybox)? It's small, very small, all you can find in it is a huge restroom/shower room to cade at (in older version of ZS) and at the end of the corridor, right next to zombie spawn (which has trigger_push with it).I believe that it is called Segments and yeah, everyone just cades above the zombie spawn and zombies have to spend about 2 minutes (if you know the way) to get to there just to be annihilated. No offense to Clavus but it's too human friendly and shouldn't really be in the map list. Edit: Oh wait, I know what map you mean, that is a rape map for humans although my point still stands about Segments.And Pufu, next time you get your rights back, don't add maps that you like or think you like them, discuss about those maps with a small group and then add.Me, Shock and bluewolf actually tested out the maps in sandbox with Pufu before and when we weren't messing around , we we're testing them out however if Pufulet had access to run the maps on the zs engine, we could test out balance properly and anyone who is willing to help out could help to, better to test out with more zombies and more humans as the server usually has at least 14 or so people in. Edited April 9, 2012 by Jason0905 Quote
Quert Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 (edited) I also remember a map... something like a bunker map (meaning with no skybox)? It's small, very small, all you can find in it is a huge restroom/shower room to cade at (in older version of ZS) and at the end of the corridor, right next to zombie spawn (which has trigger_push with it).I believe that it is called Segments and yeah, everyone just cades above the zombie spawn and zombies have to spend about 2 minutes (if you know the way) to get to there just to be annihilated. No offense to Clavus but it's too human friendly and shouldn't really be in the map list. Nope. That's chaste.Anyways, I agree aswell... that way, NECROSSIN would have one less thing to take care about. And maybe focus more on coding Edited April 9, 2012 by Quert Quote
Griffon Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 I would particapate in any map testing/disccussion, Give me a call. Quote
Deidaraltu Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 Just remove all of them exploit zones , they have no reason to exist.Since fast zombies just come and rape everyone.And just give Pufu access to maps. Quote
Mr. Darkness Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 I also remember a map... something like a bunker map (meaning with no skybox)? It's small, very small, all you can find in it is a huge restroom/shower room to cade at (in older version of ZS) and at the end of the corridor, right next to zombie spawn (which has trigger_push with it).I believe that it is called Segments and yeah, everyone just cades above the zombie spawn and zombies have to spend about 2 minutes (if you know the way) to get to there just to be annihilated. No offense to Clavus but it's too human friendly and shouldn't really be in the map list. Nope. That's chaste.Anyways, I agree aswell... that way, NECROSSIN would have one less thing to take care about. And maybe focus more on coding Yeah, it was chaste. That rape map, where you can hardly cade.Segments is ok IMO, zombies usually manage to win. Quote
The Lazy Peon Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 Make in a Minky + Peon gay club and I'm good. Quote
Damien Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 I would say give pufulet a second chance with the rights and see how it turns out. I would gladly help test maps, i played probably on about 250/300 maps so i kinda know what we need to have in a map. Quote
Chikennugget1 Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 +1 for Pufu map manager And I agree, there are too many house maps, and some maps aren't really made for zs .Original maps are rare nowadays. Quote
TechnoNegro Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 I think necrossin should do this, atleast he knows what he is doing.End of this post. too bored to start a rèvolution. Quote
Mr. Darkness Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 I think necrossin should do this, atleast he knows what he is doing.End of this post. too bored to start a rèvolution.Disagreed. I bet Necro added all those shitty maps. Also, he does not test them. Quote
Jason0905 Posted April 10, 2012 Posted April 10, 2012 You disagree that i disagree?Umm...You know what he means, don't start up some petty squabble. I think necrossin should do this, atleast he knows what he is doing.End of this post. too bored to start a rèvolution.I tested out a couple of maps with Necro, he really doesn't really care that much about the maps, was exploring for 1 minute and he says "meh, next map". Necro already does the coding and doesn't have the time to do everything.Allot of people seem keen to help out testing maps, Pufulet could host a map testing server and with all of us that are willing to help, we could properly test out the maps with zombies and humans and not just look at the map and make assumptions. Mr. Darkness 1 Quote
Mr. Darkness Posted April 10, 2012 Posted April 10, 2012 You disagree that i disagree?Umm...You know what he means, don't start up some petty squabble. I think necrossin should do this, atleast he knows what he is doing.End of this post. too bored to start a rèvolution.I tested out a couple of maps with Necro, he really doesn't really care that much about the maps, was exploring for 1 minute and he says "meh, next map". Necro already does the coding and doesn't have the time to do everything.Allot of people seem keen to help out testing maps, Pufulet could host a map testing server and with all of us that are willing to help, we could properly test out the maps with zombies and humans and not just look at the map and make assumptions.Not going to say how lazy he was to test out my map and add it.He does stuff with coding, but not adding maps. We need pufu for this job. Quote
Trollswords Posted April 11, 2012 Posted April 11, 2012 I going to tell you something ... I am playing on Mr Green Zombie Survival since a long time, i'm always trying to select new maps at the end of each round. But new players are "always" selecting the first map of the list, they are following other players choices, they are not actually "curious".Well, that's all for today.See you on Gmod. Quote
Guest Posted April 11, 2012 Posted April 11, 2012 Pufulet could host a map testing serverHe's a nawb, leave that to me Quote
Damien Posted April 11, 2012 Posted April 11, 2012 Or you can just use the test server from necrossin. :SIm sure he doesnt mind. Quote
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