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Mr. Green Gaming

Michael Rosen Appreciation Society (PLUMS)

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Posted (edited)

I thought that this was long overdue. I am making this so that the good people of Left4Green can discuss this god among men. Please post your favourite comments, quotes and videos here for all the other Rosen-enthusiasts to enjoy. Let the fiddling with hundreds and hundreds of PLUMS commence!!!


Edited by F1ddle D1ddle


I mean, what?

You may think I'm horny, you may think I'm awright. You may think I'm the fastest in the land, you may think I'm talking. But hang on to your grandad, and listen right here, I'm gonna tell you something that'll burn your village


You may think I'm horny, you may think I'm awright. You may think I'm the fastest in the land, you may think I'm talking. But hang on to your grandad, and listen right here, I'm gonna tell you something that'll burn your village

Combustible lemons? I'm listenin' cool.gif
Posted (edited)

I would post some vids and shit but...

1. I am at work

2. all the neccesary web pages are blocked :(

So feel free peeps to help get the puffed wheat flowing

*Oh and bawx, you posted that vid from yesterday of the indestructible door and b0x public message aboose vs noob zombies :P?

Edited by F1ddle D1ddle

*Oh and bawx, you posted that vid from yesterday of the indestructible door and b0x public message aboose vs noob zombies :P?

I forgot

I hope I haven't deleted it. :S

Also stay on topic :P


*Oh and bawx, you posted that vid from yesterday of the indestructible door and b0x public message aboose vs noob zombies :P?

I forgot

I hope I haven't deleted it. :S

Also stay on topic :P

lol i was on topic, surely an incie wincy side note is permissable :P


POP QUIZ: (cheating by looking it up on YouTube will result in death)

What day was Michael Rosen born?

What did he do when he was 1, 2, 3 and 4?

If theres one thing Michael Rosen loves, what is it?

What is the best cafe in the world?

What do Michael Rosen and his brother like to do?

What is in Michael Rosens fridge?

What does Michael Rosen dread?

If you look out the window, what is there?

That'll do for now

A true Rosen fan will know the answer to these questions off the top of their head


I was going to say I have no idea who this guy is, but then I read your posts and I see you're all so well-informed that I know that you're all gonna hate me if you find out I don't know this guy.


POP QUIZ: (cheating by looking it up on YouTube will result in death)

What day was Michael Rosen born?

What did he do when he was 1, 2, 3 and 4?

If theres one thing Michael Rosen loves, what is it?

What is the best cafe in the world?

What do Michael Rosen and his brother like to do?

What is in Michael Rosens fridge?

What does Michael Rosen dread?

If you look out the window, what is there?

That'll do for now

A true Rosen fan will know the answer to these questions off the top of their head

This is hard becuase there are so many versions, so I am going to use my favourtie ones and a couple of the originals lolol.

7th May

1 - He swam the English Channel

2 - He ate a soapy flannel

3 - He started getting thinner

4 - He ate the dog's dinne


Really got no idea on this one :( I have failed you all :(

Go to AKNKNEE DAOWNS, or as my brother calls them "Hackney Downs"

Hmmm...Green Tomato Chutney???

The moment his dad goes from being Angry to being Fucking Furious!

Look out that window, theres a window...AYAYAYAYAYAY!

(cheating by looking it up on YouTube will result in death)

*Shock120 is DED*



7th May - CORRECT!

1 - He swam the English Channel - CORRECT!

2 - He ate a soapy flannel - CORRECT!

3 - He started getting thinner - CORRECT!

4 - He ate the dog's dinne - CORRECT!

PLAMS!!!!! - Sort of correct,but the true answer was PUFFED WHEAT

Really got no idea on this one :( I have failed you all :(- The Michael Rosen Plum Cafe!

Go to AKNKNEE DAOWNS, or as my brother calls them "Hackney Downs" - Sort of correct, but the true answer was they sit up in bed FUCKINNGGGG each other

Hmmm...Green Tomato Chutney??? - There was a DEAD GIRL.. In the FRIDGE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_WAhiDuOGw

The moment his dad goes from being Angry to being Fucking Furious! - CORRECT! Also 'when my Mum, starts DOING THINGS' would be accepted

Look out that window, theres a window...AYAYAYAYAYAY! - CORRECT!

You passed the Michael Rosen test, with an A-


7th May - CORRECT!

1 - He swam the English Channel - CORRECT!

2 - He ate a soapy flannel - CORRECT!

3 - He started getting thinner - CORRECT!

4 - He ate the dog's dinne - CORRECT!

PLAMS!!!!! - Sort of correct,but the true answer was PUFFED WHEAT

Really got no idea on this one :( I have failed you all :(- The Michael Rosen Plum Cafe!

Go to AKNKNEE DAOWNS, or as my brother calls them "Hackney Downs" - Sort of correct, but the true answer was they sit up in bed FUCKINNGGGG each other

Hmmm...Green Tomato Chutney??? - There was a DEAD GIRL.. In the FRIDGE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_WAhiDuOGw

The moment his dad goes from being Angry to being Fucking Furious! - CORRECT! Also 'when my Mum, starts DOING THINGS' would be accepted

Look out that window, theres a window...AYAYAYAYAYAY! - CORRECT!

You passed the Michael Rosen test, with an A-

w00T, so i can stay as a rosen enthusiast? :P

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