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Mr. Green Gaming

Awesomeo's Adventures - Quests and Hunts!

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Posted (edited)

Hey guys,

Thought I'd add something a bit different to the server. I'll be adding in treasure hunts and quests as and when I can, so check back to see what's happening.

Current Hunts:

  Reveal hidden contents

100 Green Coin Sign Hunt!


Find this face. Nearby is a (well) hidden sign, the first person to screenshot the sign and post it will get 100 green coins delivered in game!

Mathijs' Mega Hunt - hidden under water and sand, somewhere around Discord's base (500 block radius) is this lovely chest:


Completed Hunts:

Current Quests:

  Reveal hidden contents

Mushroom Madness - I've had it with these ugly brocoli trees already! First person to surround Ranger's base with a minimum of of 64 giant mushrooms will receive 64 netherwarts, 12 brewing stands and 4 diamonds (or 25 GC).

Dungeon Runner - Some pesky moose has come along and covered my dungeon with traps! Even worse, the monsters are back again! I need someone to get in to my castle (lol I forgot my keys again, what am I like?) find the secret entrance to the dungeon, kill all the monsters, and go investigate the secret chamber.


Your prize is a chest filled with the following items (efficiency IV axe, flame I bow, 32 tnt, 32 diamonds) But beware, many dangers lie ahead of you.


Maze Of Fury - Hidden loot and lots of monsters. Conquer the maze and find the hidden treasures (replenished every now and then).


Pyramid of Darkness - X: 193 Y: 543

Photographer of the year - take the best screenshot using the files provided here. Top three pictures get 100gc, best one gets 150.

Completed Quests:

If you ever need to contact me, feel free to PM me on the forums or simply type 'Awesomeo' on Minecraft chat. I'll get nickalerted and if I'm around I'll respond.

Good luck!

Edited by awesomeo_5000

Haha, I would love to see 64 giant mushrooms. I'll leave it as trees only for now, but you've inspired the next quest :D

Added another treasure hunt. Big jackpot, but hard to find. And by the way, I won't explain how. But I'll know if you've used x-ray to find the hidden sign ;)

Posted (edited)
  On 5/31/2012 at 5:35 PM, awesomeo_5000 said:

Hey guys,

Thought I'd add something a bit different to the server. I'll be adding in treasure hunts and quests as and when I can, so check back to see what's happening.

Current Treasure Hunts:

  Reveal hidden contents


Treasure hunts are marked by a symbol on dynmap. The symbols will change, but as it's the first one I've gone for an archetypal red X. There's also a clue, as the X only marks the general location, if the sign is knocked out it reads:

The answer near

and yet so far.

A heart of iron,

but not a bar.

500 Green Coin Sign Hunt!


Find this face. Nearby is a (well) hidden sign, the first person to screenshot the sign and post it will get 500 green coins delivered in game!

Current Quests:

  Reveal hidden contents

Awesomeo's Dungeon Disaster - Help! There's monsters in my dungeon! There are two giant iron golems that have found there way in and in a panic I fled my castle. I was in such a hurry I forgot my keys! I will award 64 nether warts, some brewing stands, some speed potions and some fire resistance potions to whichever hero can find their way into my castle and slay those demons for me. All I will need is a screenshot of our dungeon, standing over the corpse of your enemies.

Global Warming - By god. Mankind know's no bounds. We've only gone and cut down all of our forests! We need to replenish the earth's vegetation and fast. I've devised a cunning plan, the first person to place 64 saplings and instantly grow them with bonemeal will receive 32 netherwarts, 4 stacks of enderpearls and an enchanted diamond axe. As proof I would like a screen shot of you in front of the 64 saplings, and another screen shot when you've bonemealed them all.

Good luck!

well here it is



and after




Edited by jeffbierer87

wat texturepack do you use?

  On 5/31/2012 at 7:30 PM, jeffbierer87 said:
  On 5/31/2012 at 5:35 PM, awesomeo_5000 said:

Hey guys,

Thought I'd add something a bit different to the server. I'll be adding in treasure hunts and quests as and when I can, so check back to see what's happening.

Current Treasure Hunts:

  Reveal hidden contents


Treasure hunts are marked by a symbol on dynmap. The symbols will change, but as it's the first one I've gone for an archetypal red X. There's also a clue, as the X only marks the general location, if the sign is knocked out it reads:

The answer near

and yet so far.

A heart of iron,

but not a bar.

500 Green Coin Sign Hunt!


Find this face. Nearby is a (well) hidden sign, the first person to screenshot the sign and post it will get 500 green coins delivered in game!

Current Quests:

  Reveal hidden contents

Awesomeo's Dungeon Disaster - Help! There's monsters in my dungeon! There are two giant iron golems that have found there way in and in a panic I fled my castle. I was in such a hurry I forgot my keys! I will award 64 nether warts, some brewing stands, some speed potions and some fire resistance potions to whichever hero can find their way into my castle and slay those demons for me. All I will need is a screenshot of our dungeon, standing over the corpse of your enemies.

Global Warming - By god. Mankind know's no bounds. We've only gone and cut down all of our forests! We need to replenish the earth's vegetation and fast. I've devised a cunning plan, the first person to place 64 saplings and instantly grow them with bonemeal will receive 32 netherwarts, 4 stacks of enderpearls and an enchanted diamond axe. As proof I would like a screen shot of you in front of the 64 saplings, and another screen shot when you've bonemealed them all.

Good luck!

well here it is



and after

hey im pretty sure u cant be using a radar mod on this server right ? cuz i can see a player in that radar .. ?

  On 5/31/2012 at 7:40 PM, Roberto1sa said:

wat texturepack do you use?

  On 5/31/2012 at 7:30 PM, jeffbierer87 said:
  On 5/31/2012 at 5:35 PM, awesomeo_5000 said:

Hey guys,

Thought I'd add something a bit different to the server. I'll be adding in treasure hunts and quests as and when I can, so check back to see what's happening.

Current Treasure Hunts:

  Reveal hidden contents


Treasure hunts are marked by a symbol on dynmap. The symbols will change, but as it's the first one I've gone for an archetypal red X. There's also a clue, as the X only marks the general location, if the sign is knocked out it reads:

The answer near

and yet so far.

A heart of iron,

but not a bar.

500 Green Coin Sign Hunt!


Find this face. Nearby is a (well) hidden sign, the first person to screenshot the sign and post it will get 500 green coins delivered in game!

Current Quests:

  Reveal hidden contents

Awesomeo's Dungeon Disaster - Help! There's monsters in my dungeon! There are two giant iron golems that have found there way in and in a panic I fled my castle. I was in such a hurry I forgot my keys! I will award 64 nether warts, some brewing stands, some speed potions and some fire resistance potions to whichever hero can find their way into my castle and slay those demons for me. All I will need is a screenshot of our dungeon, standing over the corpse of your enemies.

Global Warming - By god. Mankind know's no bounds. We've only gone and cut down all of our forests! We need to replenish the earth's vegetation and fast. I've devised a cunning plan, the first person to place 64 saplings and instantly grow them with bonemeal will receive 32 netherwarts, 4 stacks of enderpearls and an enchanted diamond axe. As proof I would like a screen shot of you in front of the 64 saplings, and another screen shot when you've bonemealed them all.

Good luck!

well here it is



and after

hey im pretty sure u cant be using a radar mod on this server right ? cuz i can see a player in that radar .. ?

clavis said it is allowed or i would not have it

  On 5/31/2012 at 8:50 PM, jeffbierer87 said:

clavis said it is allowed or i would not have it

Definitely cheat.

Seeing everything (mobs and players) in your vicinity, including players who cloak themselves on dynmap.

Posted (edited)
  On 5/31/2012 at 8:50 PM, jeffbierer87 said:

clavis said it is allowed or i would not have it

It has never been said that it's allowed. It said that it cannot be policed. The majority of conversations surrounded Rei's minimap which provides no advantage to multiplayer gameplay.

What you have is not a map: It's a radar. The difference being mobs and players are displayed - it would be impossible for someone to sneak up on you. It would also improve your raiding ability, as you wouldn't have to search an entire base, but rather focus on one co-ordinate to find a hiding player.

I don't have time to find the exact quote from Clavus, so I will paraphrase: Client mods are not allowed, though some are impossible to detect (Rei's minimap). The only way to detect it is if someone posts a screenshot with it on - Now make of that what you will. But I highly advise you to uninstall it and stick to the rules.

In his defense, Sphere are a peaceful faction and have probably made the coolest base on this map. Any advantage gained from the radar mod would be negated by the lack of PVP ability.

I'll be on over the weekend (Most likely Sunday) to deliver your prize. I was expecting it to take longer for these to be completed! I still have exams and stuff preventing me from coming on as much. Let your faction know so whenever I'm online they can ask me.

Edit: I lied, I did have the time. Mainly because I remembered of a little thing in the top right hand corner. Thread here.

editedit: It's getting to that time of night where I find the slightest thing funny. And 'clavis' pretty much just caused a lolcanic eruption.

Edited by awesomeo_5000

I completed the dungeon quest. It took me roughly an hour to find the open door on the roof. I knew you would do something like that. From there on, it was all easy. I remember that Corby showed me and I think MrTurboTrio your dungeon. To get there, I had to enderpearl through some doors.

Here are the pics:

Oh and by the way:

You dont need to give me the rewards (unless it can be GC)

And how big are the X''s on the dynmap for the treasure hunt?

  On 5/31/2012 at 9:45 PM, wezrine said:

...how big are the X''s on the dynmap for the treasure hunt?

I'll give you 49 gc as a job well done if you don't want the items!

The X's are visible when you zoom in about 50% further than default. If it turns out to be hard to find I'll add another clue :)


I was on the way out of your base and all of the sudden, I was lucky enough to find this.


  On 5/31/2012 at 9:55 PM, wezrine said:

I was on the way out of your base and all of the sudden, I was lucky enough to find this.


Find the hidden sign hidden nearby to win GC :) (note I changed the reward amount so I can offer GC alternatives to in game items, trying to weight it according to difficulty).


For the mushroom quest, its not dark enough to place the mushrooms. Soo its not a possible quest.

And by the way, this is a very good idea and is turning out to be very fun! I would love to help you with it. Next map I am probably going to make a peaceful faction and just build, so I could do it full time.

  On 5/31/2012 at 10:40 PM, wezrine said:

For the mushroom quest, its not dark enough to place the mushrooms. Soo its not a possible quest.

And by the way, this is a very good idea and is turning out to be very fun! I would love to help you with it. Next map I am probably going to make a peaceful faction and just build, so I could do it full time.

I'll let you figure out how to do it. But it is possible, and quite simple ;)

Yeah dude, there's nothing stoping anyone doing it. But if you want to make your own quests/hunts and stuff just PM me the details and ill add a 'bounty board' or something where people can submit their own quests but just advertise it in the OP. I'll only be able to really do this once or twice a week personally. So other people contributing will hopefully keep something fresh for people to be doing whilst I'm getting my ass in gear.

Posted (edited)

I may add my own small quest:

Find a pyramid temple with a few good things for noobs (+ some broken armory :V) at X: 193 Y: 543

EDIT: Fuck forgot to add Shaprness III diamond sword and a dia pick but whatever. xD

Edited by Mr. Darkness
Posted (edited)

Personally thinking of creating some kind of "ender pearl" climbing arena.

Need to throw enderpearls properly to get on next platform, or throw them against some vines for example to climb further.

And people who proof they reached the top fair get a reward.

But will see if this is possible next map ^^

Edited by hulpje

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