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Mr. Green Gaming

jellyfish999111 unban appeal


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1. Your ingame name - jellyfish999111

2. Date of your ban -14 september

3. What game/server are you banned from minecraft

4. Who banned you (only if you know who) awesomo

5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why)"hacking"

6. Reason why we should unban you

i was ban for supposedly "hacking" based a video the was posted that suposedly caught me sprint hacking. firstly on the video itself, iv been watching this video over and over again just trying to figure out how at all this is sprint hacking since i barley move at all the video is just 7 seconds of me standing in 1 spot and then sneaking for the last second, there is nothing even to do with hacking there.

i know with 100 percent certainty that i have will never and have never used a hack in my life. for starters i dont know how that even looks like im hacking, all i know is i was playing on the server and got told that someone had proof of me "sprint hacking" and that i was going to get ban, i know i lag quite badly sometimes and if this was taken to appear as hacks then im very sorry, becuse i dont use them. This is currently the only server i play on, and is by far one of the best servers around and the only one like it, i was banned because of a video providing no actual proof,so please, please unban me, thanks


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That's kind of the point. Force sprint is a feature of nodus that effectively bypasses Minecraft's activation of sprint mode, it's always in effect. That tends to cause players that are stationary, yet moving their mouse or interacting with the window in some way to give off sprint particles.

It's just my take on the video. Wait for Whimplash and Corby to stop by, they might view it differently to me :)

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yea hopefully theyl see it diferantly, i think it might be me lagging tho because i aws getting "shot back " or glitched/lagged back and forth a bit whiel i was walking , anyway hopefuly theyl see it diferently :S

If it was lag you'd move somewhere rather than crouch at the end, to me that's force sprint.

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well then i dont really know any other way to prove that i dont use it, i could upload pictures of my mc files , and jar ect if that would help my case but im not sure how much that would actualy help, apart from that i dont know as it seems its my word against some video that makes me look like a hacker D:ecspecialyl since this is one of my favourite servers.

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well then i dont really know any other way to prove that i dont use it, i could upload pictures of my mc files , and jar ect if that would help my case but im not sure how much that would actualy help, apart from that i dont know as it seems its my word against some video that makes me look like a hacker D:ecspecialyl since this is one of my favourite servers.

Just get a alt account and play without hackz

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