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Mr. Green Gaming

Kodauer: Admin Application


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First off, I want to thank any potential consideration for such position. I understand the time consuming matters in which the head administrators devote their energy too are far and great.


  • play.minecraft.nl- The Minecraft gaming server of the MrGreen community.
  • 17, 18 in September
Country of Origin
  • United States of America- East Coast
Steam/Skype Information
  • Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057911659/

  • I would rather refrain from posting my Skype ID, as having someone's Skype username makes them vulnerable to network attacks. I have many MrGreen community members added, however, and I will add anyone that PM's me in game.
Minecraft Name
  • Kodauer
Previous Administrator Experience
  • I have briefly moderated a friend's server, for the relatively short while it was active. There were no complaints to my judgement. Here, I gained much knowledge about server side commands, attaining mastery over them.

  • I also administered a server for awhile, just for fun. I helped the owner set up all his plugins and such. People favored me over him for my fair judgement.

  • Although nothing in comparison to moderating a server, I have been the leader of the faction "Equalists" for about 6 maps. We're one of the more powerful factions and most highly organized. I maintain a player base of about 15-20 people, all of whom are highly appreciative and respective of my judgement on kicks, invites, and other business.
Skills/traits/details that may be useful to the MrGreen Minecraft Community
  • I am, hate to brag, a master at the World Edit mod. I know all the intricate details of working it, and the powerful capabilities it has. I used it on the server I administered and had no issues with disastrous commands or self indulgent actions. I can apply such mastery to assisting the server in the various tasks that require the use of the mod, such as removing lava mountains.

  • I am, also hate to brag, a decent builder in Minecraft. If you require a piece of my work, look at my current base. I would really like to bring some 'pizazz' to our spawn to impress new players. Nothing to flashy though.

  • I am well accepted and respected throughout the MrGreen Minecraft community. I refrain from swearing at other players, and swearing in general. In game, I am also respected, by allies and enemies alike. I believe friendliness is more important than hating on someone, especially when the reason for flaming is based in game. I rarely get worked up, unless something completely irrational or unjustified is done by another player.

  • I am American. I live on the East Coast of America (Eastern Standard time). The server has a large portion of players and time that go unmoderated, due to time differences (Not at the moment though, come server restart there will be). There has additionally been a general need for an American administrator, anyways. I also can cover what is the evening for Dutch players.

  • I am easily contactable. I get Steam and Skype notifications on my computer and mobile phone. I will usually respond to a message in under 30 minutes. I check the MrGreen forums at least twice a day, so messaging me here is another option. I'm also in game almost everyday, depending on school assignments. I can usually devote 1-4 hours of game time on weekdays, depending on school assignments, and sometimes more than 5 hours on Fridays and Weekends.

  • I am completely loyal to the MrGreen Minecraft server. I have ALWAYS played, despite the troubles it has had and has. I plan to continue this trend.

  • I am fluent in German. Dutch is extremely close to German, and I'm able to draw out what most Dutch players are saying. We also have many players that can speak German, if not Dutch or English. This increases the playerbase I would be able to help.
  • Despite popular belief, I am active on IRC quite a bit (I usually just just go under the nickname it gives me "MrGreen45,32" etc...--> Most likely will change). The problem is, however, that not many are active on the IRC channels when I get on (Dutch people are asleep). I hope to encourage my fellow American players to be active on the IRC to increase the community's variety.Edit: I afk a lot in IRC and join random conversations when they pop up.
Community and Server Membership Time
  • If anything in my entire application were to be my Achilles heel, it would be my membership time on the MrGreen community. I started to play on the Minecraft Server consistently around mid July, and quickly became involved in the community around September. I quickly became involved in issues, made some reputable posts, and now am well known in the Minecraft community, and semi-well known in the general community. I have never been accused of being "immature" on the forums.
Bit of Information About Myself
  • I'm finishing up my last year of high-school in America now, and am waiting on several college acceptance letters (can't wait!). I plan to major in Business/Business administration. I would absolutely love to find a job in Germany or here on the East Coast when I grow up. I'm involved in my school's highest level orchestra; I'm first chair second violin. I haven't had much time recently, but I do enjoy reading many genres of literature. I'm also fluent in American Sign Language, as my parents are Deaf.

    Edit: I have been accepted to my first choice university and am attending there this fall! :)

I might add more stuff later, but that's all I have to offer of myself for now. Thanks for reading the large chunk of text (if you did) and for any potential support/consideration.


Edited by Kodauer
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I think this is a great idea, we have no american admins, and although Kodauer and I have had our ups and downs (particularly relating to accidental tnt discharges) I can't think of a single person who hates him, other than victims after a raid. Hes also one of the (very small) few that have no hackusations at all :).


No offence bbgun or xflow but I think this would be a better choice since he is abit older and more responsible.



Thats just my 2 cents.







  • I am, also hate to brag, a decent builder in Minecraft.


Edited by _WhiteThunder_
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I think this is a great idea, we have no american admins, and although Kodauer and I have had our ups and downs (particularly relating to accidental tnt discharges) I can't think of a single person who hates him, other than victims after a raid. Hes also one of the (very small) few that have no hackusations at all :).


No offence bbgun or xflow but I think this would be a better choice since he is abit older and more responsible.



Thats just my 2 cents.







  • I am, also hate to brag, a decent builder in Minecraft.


I'm forced to use obsidian cause I'd get owned by tnt if I didn't.... :P


good luck hope you get accepted!!!



Good luck Kodauer, this is the first admin app I have actually wished good luck.


I've seen his world edit and building skills in action so I can vouch for that, along with his general maturity.

Thanks! This especially means a lot, as you're one of the more maturer members of the community. 


Good luck Kodauer, this is the first admin app I have actually wished good luck.


I've seen his world edit and building skills in action so I can vouch for that, along with his general maturity.

Same for world edit, he even showed me how to break my world :P (showed, not told)

Did not! :V


I really hope you get this. Good luck Kodauer. I honestly think you'd be a great choice for the server's first American admin. But isn't ur departure for College soon going to be an issue?

Thanks. Most of the Moderators are in University anyways. 

Good luck man.

Thanks dude. You've been my best pal :)

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good luck. B)

Thanks  B)


good luck Kodauer, don't think you really need it, just telling, 


I think you can get this role as an admin, because your fair and trust-able.


i really hope you getting the rank man :3


Thanks for the support. 

Good luck mate. You seem to be able to handle this.


Thanks! :)

This is a proper admin application made the way it should be, you also seem like a mature person.

Good luck :)

Thanks Man :) Hope to see you on the server more. 

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