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Mr. Green Gaming

scrie100 and traviscwatt mountaining BlackBirds base


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Hi everyone,


These two guys scrie100 and traviscwatt are mountaining many peoples bases including mine.

I got a screen from the live map and a video to prove it.





You can see traviscwatt on the lava mountain leaving and also scrie100 joining and leaving.



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Well thanks for cleaning the shit up, and then just worldedit a fucking hole in our base.

Also thanks for the 100 creepers in our base. You owe me like a stack and a half of iron blocks and way more shit, you can hardly stop those creepers from blowing your chests up.

Edited by MrCoceane
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Well thanks for cleaning the shit up, and then just worldedit a fucking hole in our base.

Also thanks for the 100 creepers in our base. You owe me like a stack and a half of iron blocks and way more shit, you can hardly stop those creepers from blowing your chests up.


Excuse me ? If you come here to rant at our TC you can immediately leave, I understand that there could be a problem but if you're not civiliced enough to be polite you can kindly fuck off. Due you ranting I don't feel like helping you out, neither does Clavus after you personally insulted him when he tried to help you.

Good job

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Well thanks for cleaning the shit up, and then just worldedit a fucking hole in our base.

Also thanks for the 100 creepers in our base. You owe me like a stack and a half of iron blocks and way more shit, you can hardly stop those creepers from blowing your chests up.


I try my best. The creepers were homeless and I thought you guys were the perfect people to take care of em.


Also I'll unban you again for now. Just don't do silly things like PvP logging because it's ruining the fun for everyone.

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Wtf is this?!


Mathijs you suck at being an admin, this is abuse!

Why did you spawn the creepers? You cant just do that!

I mean, i hope this is an april fools but still this is abuse


The creepers were from me. I found them wandering around. The poor homeless critters :(

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