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Mr. Green Gaming

Location of Mappers - Help/scripts/tools/resources/mods/tutorial


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Posted (edited)

I have created this Topic aiming to help mappers!
We will disclose all our methods for creating maps, and count on the help of other mappers ...
Here we post everything related to MAPSMTA!


Any questions? You Can ask.
Need some Help or Tutorial?

If you want to contribute to this topic and help people. Post something that can help other mappers.




All Subjects Of this Topic


1. Some Good Objects viiNi pg. 1


2. My tools viiNi pg. 1


3. Bally Model, Flashing lights viiNi pg. 1


4. Best Settings To Map (Mouse and Movements) viiNi pg. 1


5. Most Used Objects do DD map viiNi pg. 1


6. Where To Find Many Resources For Maps viiNi pg. 1


7. Song On Map viiNi pg. 1


8. Custom Roads To DD Map viiNi pg. 1


9. Custom textures to objects viiNi pg. 1


10. How to create a local server to test your maps viiNi pg. 2


11. How to Make Any Object Invisible and Solid (Can drive above) viiNi pg. 2


12. Tutorial MAP EDITOR viiNi pg. 2


13. How to change the skin of your map (CJ to another) viiNi pg. 2


14. How to Change The Color of Sky and Water When the Map Begins viiNi pg. 2


16. Two Songs On The Same Map viiNi pg. 3


17. How to Remove All Poles of The Map viiNi pg. 3


18. Custom Vehicles Borz pg. 3


19. How to Reduce The Siize of the Map Song viiNi pg. 4


20. Vehicles Tips AlexCore pg. 4


21.  How to use RCG (Roller Coaster Generator) viiNi pg. 4


22. outputChatBox (Message when start the map) NITRO pg. 4


23.  Auto Repair viiNi pg.4


 24. Sky changing colors NITRO pg.4


25. Where to find alot of good objects viiNi pg.5


26. Random Markes and Core Markers viiNi pg. 5


27. NFS Style Arrows NITRO pg.5


28. Super Jumps NITRO pg. 5


29. Auto Start resources and Editor in your local server viiNi pg.5


30. Music on the map without file .MP3 NITRO pg. 5


31. Basic Tutorial Map Editor viiNi pg. 5


 32. How to install and use the Mr. Green Editor Plugin viiNi pg. 5


33. How to make a "TRIALS" map (Script) viiNi pg. 6


34. How to add snow in your map MegasXLR pg. 6


35. Best floors to SHOOTER MAPS viiNi pg. 6


36. Replace textures without using .txd KaliBwoy pg.6


37.  GameOver Sound When a player dies NITRO pg. 6


 38. Create a server to test your maps with the gamemodes of mrgreen NITRO pg. 6


39. How to add custom chatbox text when a player likes/dislikes your map  MegasXLR pg. 6


40. How to change the color of the sky and water NITRO pg. 6


 41. Increase your FPS with using Task Manager NITRO pg. 6


42. Make maps with other players using hamachi NITRO pg. 6


NEW 43. Super Jump with Shift Key NITRO pg. 7





Edited by viiNi
Posted (edited)

--- Some Goods Objects ---


Objects ID IN ORDER: 18450, 18450, 3458, 8558, 6959, 8355, 11484, 7657, 8392, 2898, 3533, 9900, 622, 7347, 9623, 16037,4828, 8397, 3877, 979, 6300, 7017,3873

























Edited by viiNi
Posted (edited)

---- My Tools ----


Notepad ++ = http://notepad-plus-plus.org/

GUI Editor = https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=141

RCG - Roller Coaster Generator = http://www.4shared.com/zip/mZTyrLoF/mtasa-resources-rcg-r8.html

Nextreme Editor Tools = https://forum.twisted-gamers.net/topic/1431-tool-nextremes-editor-tools-v111-now-with-automatic-updater/

Puma Markers = https://forum.twisted-gamers.net/topic/6184-puma-markers-22/

TXD Workshop = http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=8320

IMG Tool = http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=63

ZModeller = http://gtasa.gamebanana.com/tools/5314

OMG - Object Moviment Generator = http://community.mtasa.com/?p=resources&s=details&id=1224

Photoshop CC = http://bit.ly/1o2nnmb

FormatFactory = http://pcfreetime.com/pt/index.html

Free Youtube Downloader = http://www.baixaki.com.br/download/free-youtube-download.htm

MP3 Resize = http://www.baixaki.com.br/download/mp3resizer.htm

QT Designer = http://qt-project.org/downloads

QT to Lua = http://www.mediafire.com/download/6d9vo1oa60qml28/QtToLua.zip

NOIP = http://www.noip.com/

WinRar = http://www.win-rar.com/download.html?&L=0




Sony Vegas = http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/vegassoftware

Camtasia Studio = https://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.html

IDM Internet Downloader Manager = https://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/

Action = https://mirillis.com/en/products/action.html

Fraps = http://www.fraps.com/

Dxtory = http://exkode.com/dxtory-downloads-en.html

Audacity = http://audacityteam.org/?lang=pt-BR

Edited by viiNi
Posted (edited)

--- Bally Model, Flashing lights ----


Download the file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/clldx939g0sh7ju/bally.rar


Step 1. Create a map using ballypllr01_lvs OBJECT ID: 3437



Step 2. After you finish and save your map... go to the map folder, and paste all files of the downloaded file.



Step 3. Add these lines meta.xml:

    <file src="tex_names.fx"></file>    <file src="b1.dff"></file>    <file src="b2.dff"></file>    <file src="b1.txd"></file>    <file src="b2.txd"></file><script src="bally_client.lua" type="client"></script>


Step 5. Need to be like that:

<meta>    <file src="tex_names.fx"></file>    <file src="b1.dff"></file>    <file src="b2.dff"></file>    <file src="b1.txd"></file>    <file src="b2.txd"></file>    <script src="bally_client.lua" type="client"></script>    <info type="map" version="1.0.0"></info>    <map src="vmjgfbvbccbv.map" dimension="0"></map>    <settings>        <setting name="#skins" value='[ "cj" ]'></setting>        <setting name="#time" value="1:0"></setting>        <setting name="#maxplayers" value="[ 128 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#useLODs" value="[ false ]"></setting>        <setting name="#gamespeed" value="[ 1 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#ghostmode" value='[ "false" ]'></setting>        <setting name="#weather" value="[ 0 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#vehicleweapons" value='[ "false" ]'></setting>        <setting name="#minplayers" value="[ 0 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#respawntime" value="[ 5 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#gravity" value="[ 0.0080000004 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#waveheight" value="[ 0 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#racemode" value='[ "Race\/DD" ]'></setting>        <setting name="#locked_time" value="[ true ]"></setting>        <setting name="#duration" value="[ 1800 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#respawn" value='[ "timelimit" ]'></setting>    </settings>    <script src="mapEditorScriptingExtension_s.lua" type="server"></script>    <script src="mapEditorScriptingExtension_c.lua" type="client" validate="false"></script></meta>

Step 6 . Finished.

Video that shows how it looks:



Edited by viiNi
Posted (edited)

--- Most Used Objects do DD map ----

Credits: Unknown



8838, 3458, 3080, 3095, 1482, 13649, 2898, 3374, 1649, 2945, 9131, 2960, 983, 3406, 3887


Edited by viiNi
Posted (edited)

---- Song On Map ----


Step 1: Download the file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/tiu7ljqf2f4xwah/music.lua

Step 2. Download or find your song: i download from this site: http://www.youtube-mp3.org/pt

Step 3. Paste the music.lua in your map folder

Step 4. Paste your song on map folder after rename too music.mp3

Step 4. Need add in the meta.xml, Then:

<meta>    <script src="music.lua" type="client"></script>    <file src="music.mp3"></file>    <script src="mov.lua" type="server"></script>    <info gamemodes="race" type="map" name="[DD] A11RTSDEAKES-77" author="viiNi" version="1.0.0" description=":D"></info>    <map src="dd-a1.map" dimension="0"></map>    <settings>


Edited by viiNi
Posted (edited)

--- Custom Roads To DD Map ---

DDe - Destruction Derby Evolution by Lukis37



Step 1. Download: http://mtasa.cz/download/2

Step 2. Copy dderoads.zip file to resources. ( ...server\mods\deathmatch\resources)

Step 3. Edit editor.conf (...server\mods\deathmatch )-> open in notepad and go down. Add there ( <resource src="dderoads" startup="1" protected="0"/>



Step 4. Start MTA and open map editor.

Step 5. You will find new objects in group "Wires and Cables".





Originally this mod is saved on the server, so players do not need to download, but Mr. Green does not have this resource ...
So we need to attach files on our map after finished!





Step 6. After you finish and save your map, go to the map folder and paste all files of the dderoads.zip.

PS: The meta.xml from dderoads.zip, extract to desktop.




Step 6. Now open the meta.xml file that you extracted to your desktop, and copy it:

        <file src="txds.txd" />	<file src="bylukis.dff" />	<file src="bylukis.col" />	<file src="cdp3.dff" />	<file src="cdp3.col" />	<file src="cdp4.dff" />	<file src="cdp4.col" />	<file src="cdprohla.dff" />	<file src="cdprohla.col" />	<file src="cmini.dff" />	<file src="cmini.col" />	<file src="cnew.dff" />	<file src="cnew.col" />	<file src="cnewv.dff" />	<file src="cnewv.col" />	<file src="cpd.dff" />	<file src="cpd.col" />	<file src="cpd1.dff" />	<file src="cpd1.col" />	<file src="cph.dff" />	<file src="cph.col" />	<file src="cph1.dff" />	<file src="cph1.col" />	<file src="ctrava.dff" />	<file src="ctrava.col" />	<file src="cvpb.dff" />	<file src="cvpb.col" />	<file src="cvr.dff" />	<file src="cvr.col" />	<file src="czmini.dff" />	<file src="czmini.col" />	<file src="czmtrava.dff" />	<file src="czmtrava.col" />	<file src="cznorm.dff" />	<file src="cznorm.col" />	<file src="czntrava.dff" />	<file src="czntrava.col" />	<file src="ddetext.dff" />	<file src="ddetext.col" />	<file src="chrboly.dff" />	<file src="chrboly.col" />	<file src="chrbolym.dff" />	<file src="chrbolym.col" />	<file src="vlajka.dff" />	<file src="vlajka.col" />	<file src="csmh.dff" />	<file src="csmh.col" />	<file src="csuz.dff" />	<file src="csuz.col" />	<file src="czmp.dff" />	<file src="czmp.col" />		<file src="cdira.dff" />	<file src="cdira.col" />		<file src="cloopl.dff" />	<file src="cloopl.col" />		<file src="cloopr.dff" />	<file src="cloopr.col" />		<file src="cminid.dff" />	<file src="cminid.col" />		<file src="trubka1.dff" />	<file src="trubka1.col" />		<file src="trubka2.dff" />	<file src="trubka2.col" />		<file src="ramp1.dff" />	<file src="ramp1.col" />		<file src="ramp2.dff" />	<file src="ramp2.col" />		<file src="cdirad.dff" />	<file src="cdirad.col" />		<file src="trojuh.dff" />	<file src="trojuh.col" />

Step 7. Past in the map meta.xml

Step 8. Now copy it:

<script src="dde.lua" type="client" />

Step 9. Paste in your meta.xml.

Step 10. Finished


Looks like this:

<meta>    <script src="dde.lua" type="client" />        <file src="txds.txd" />        <file src="bylukis.dff" />    <file src="bylukis.col" />        <file src="cdp3.dff" />    <file src="cdp3.col" />        <file src="cdp4.dff" />    <file src="cdp4.col" />        <file src="cdprohla.dff" />    <file src="cdprohla.col" />        <file src="cmini.dff" />    <file src="cmini.col" />        <file src="cnew.dff" />    <file src="cnew.col" />        <file src="cnewv.dff" />    <file src="cnewv.col" />        <file src="cpd.dff" />    <file src="cpd.col" />        <file src="cpd1.dff" />    <file src="cpd1.col" />        <file src="cph.dff" />    <file src="cph.col" />        <file src="cph1.dff" />    <file src="cph1.col" />        <file src="ctrava.dff" />    <file src="ctrava.col" />        <file src="cvpb.dff" />    <file src="cvpb.col" />        <file src="cvr.dff" />    <file src="cvr.col" />        <file src="czmini.dff" />    <file src="czmini.col" />        <file src="czmtrava.dff" />    <file src="czmtrava.col" />        <file src="cznorm.dff" />    <file src="cznorm.col" />        <file src="czntrava.dff" />    <file src="czntrava.col" />        <file src="ddetext.dff" />    <file src="ddetext.col" />        <file src="chrboly.dff" />    <file src="chrboly.col" />        <file src="chrbolym.dff" />    <file src="chrbolym.col" />        <file src="vlajka.dff" />    <file src="vlajka.col" />        <file src="csmh.dff" />    <file src="csmh.col" />        <file src="csuz.dff" />    <file src="csuz.col" />        <file src="czmp.dff" />    <file src="czmp.col" />        <file src="cdira.dff" />    <file src="cdira.col" />        <file src="cloopl.dff" />    <file src="cloopl.col" />        <file src="cloopr.dff" />    <file src="cloopr.col" />        <file src="cminid.dff" />    <file src="cminid.col" />        <file src="trubka1.dff" />    <file src="trubka1.col" />        <file src="trubka2.dff" />    <file src="trubka2.col" />        <file src="ramp1.dff" />    <file src="ramp1.col" />        <file src="ramp2.dff" />    <file src="ramp2.col" />        <file src="cdirad.dff" />    <file src="cdirad.col" />        <file src="trojuh.dff" />    <file src="trojuh.col" />    <info gamemodes="race" type="map" name="[DD] Ah... WTF" author="viiNi" version="1.0.0" description="hue hue hue hue br br br br"></info>    <map src="dd-ah-wtf.map" dimension="0"></map>    <settings>        <setting name="#skins" value='[ "cj" ]'></setting>        <setting name="#maxplayers" value="[ 128 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#useLODs" value="[ false ]"></setting>        <setting name="#gamespeed" value="[ 1 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#ghostmode" value='[ "false" ]'></setting>        <setting name="#time" value="1:0"></setting>        <setting name="#vehicleweapons" value='[ "false" ]'></setting>        <setting name="#minplayers" value="[ 0 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#respawntime" value="[ 5 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#gravity" value="[ 0.0080000003799796104 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#waveheight" value="[ 0 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#weather" value="[ 10 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#locked_time" value="[ true ]"></setting>        <setting name="#duration" value="[ 1800 ]"></setting>        <setting name="#respawn" value='[ false ]'></setting>        </settings>    <script src="mapEditorScriptingExtension_s.lua" type="server"></script>    <script src="mapEditorScriptingExtension_c.lua" type="client" validate="false"></script></meta>

Some screenshots:








Edited by viiNi

Copy&paste Copy&paste Copy&paste Copy&paste Copy&paste


Hey vinni, since u r doing this, can u tell me how to change from a song to another in a checkpoint like AleksCore map? do it and ill give u a +1, the real first in your forum life :D

Posted (edited)

---- Custom textures to objects ----


Step 1. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3yhqehpu956hx2a/files.rar

Step 2. You need a image editor (I use photoshop, but you can use any other)

Step 3. We need to find an editable .txt, to do open the IMGTool.exe as administrator

I already know a few, so I'll use the vgncarshade, the traditional brown floor.

Step 4. In IMGTool, go to File>Open, and search for gta3.img on your gta folder, originally (C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\models) and open:


Step 5. Find for your object (just the name on objects list on MTA Editor): I will use object ID: 3458, vgncarshade1.txd



Then i will find for: vgncarshade

Go to edit>find

Remember, we need find for .txd files, no .dff




Step 6. Select your file and go to: commands>extract, better on desktop

You can close the IMGTool


Step 7. Open txdworkshop.: Click on "Open TXD" and find for your object.txd:



Step 8. Like this


Step 9. Select the first image (or you want to edit)

and go on Extract>PNG>desktop


Step 10. Opon the file with your image editor, and change the image...

PS: dont change resolution, just replace the imgage




Step 11. Now we need crete a .lua file, ie what will make your texture work:

Download this model:http://www.mediafire.com/download/14gehqmjgcbg5tj/model.lua

Here if you are using another object just edit the name and ID objetop with practice and effort you learn.


Its on model.lua:

addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function()     txd = engineLoadTXD ( "vgncarshade1.txd" )                     engineImportTXD ( txd, 3458 )                                               end )

Step 12. Now copy the model.lua and object.txd to your map folder.

Step 13. Open the meta.xlm and add these lines:

<script src="model.lua" type="client"></script><file src="vgncarshade1.txd"></file>

Above the line <meta

<meta>    <info gamemodes="rtf" type="map" name="[RTF] Swelter V.1" edf:represent="false" author="viiNi (Map and Decorations)  & Rooroo (Decorations)" version="1.0.0" description="WE LOVE BRASIL AND COLOMBIA!!"></info>    <map src="swelter.map" dimension="0"></map>    <settings>        <setting name="#skins" value='[ "cj" ]'></setting>        <setting name="#maxplayers" value="[ 128 ]"></setting>

Step 13. Just make your map using your modded object.


Here a video with that mod.



Edited by viiNi

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Hey vinni, since u r doing this, can u tell me how to change from a song to another in a checkpoint like AleksCore map? do it and ill give u a +1, the real first in your forum life :D

ok i will

Posted (edited)


Copy&paste Copy&paste Copy&paste Copy&paste Copy&paste


Hey vinni, since u r doing this, can u tell me how to change from a song to another in a checkpoint like AleksCore map? do it and ill give u a +1, the real first in your forum life :D

ok i will



u r the best 5-6-09-40_0.jpg

Edited by SkyBlue



Copy&paste Copy&paste Copy&paste Copy&paste Copy&paste


Hey vinni, since u r doing this, can u tell me how to change from a song to another in a checkpoint like AleksCore map? do it and ill give u a +1, the real first in your forum life :D

ok i will



u r the best 5-6-09-40_0.jpg


Hey man, sorry but my metod is not working, is of mta sa 1.3.0 i will ask Alexcore if he can do it now!

I spent all day trying to fix, but could not.
I'll keep trying



Well, i have the Aleks map dat does that but first i need to ask him if i can put it here to download but...



Send to me i can extract the script, i will not copy the map.. i am not idiot...


---- How to create a local server to test your maps -----

Step 1. Go to your MTASA folder... originally is C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.4

            Open Server\mods\deathmatch

            And open mtaserver.conf (with text editor)




Step 2. You will need do some changes on this file. Find for these lines and place as I put it, but with your data .. simple


-First = Change the fps limit, I recommend 50 because it is the pattern of most servers

<!-- Specifies the frame rate limit that will be applied to connecting clients.         Available range: 25 to 100. Default: 36. -->    <fpslimit>50</fpslimit>

-Secound = Auto login, this function will help but forward when we talk about the admin. (change to 1)

  <!-- Specifies whether or not players should automatically be logged in based on their IP adresses -->    <autologin>1</autologin>

-Third = Gamemode, we need to make our server start as "race", then change "play" to "race"

  <!-- play is the default freeroam gamemode. Remove the following line to prevent it from starting. -->    <resource src="race" startup="1" protected="0" />

-Finished, just save and close.



Step 3. Now we will configure the admin, you need to be admin of your server so that you can command the resources and maps

            In the same folder open acl.xml

            Find for:

  <group name="Admin">        <acl name="Moderator"></acl>        <acl name="SuperModerator"></acl>        <acl name="Admin"></acl>        <acl name="RPC"></acl>        <object name="resource.admin"></object>        <object name="resource.webadmin"></object>

            Now, need create a new object, with your name. like this:

<object name="user.[DoN]#7FFF00viiNi"></object>

           Then, when finished will be:

 <group name="Admin">        <acl name="Moderator"></acl>        <acl name="SuperModerator"></acl>        <acl name="Admin"></acl>        <acl name="RPC"></acl>        <object name="resource.admin"></object>        <object name="resource.webadmin"></object>        <object name="user.[DoN]#7FFF00viiNi"></object>



Step 4. Now you need to put your maps on the server

            Go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.4\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\[gamemodes]\[race]

            And put yours maps in this forder in normal format.

            PS: If you already have maps in this folder, you can delete all, it will make your job easier!

            PS: You can not have maps with the same name, ie, can not have a map called eg "Viini map" in the "resources" folder and the  

                   folder "[race]", if you have duplicate files maps will not work!




Step 5. Now we need to start our server

            Go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.4\server

            Open mtaserver.exe




Step 6. Go to mta > Servers > Local servers... Defalt MTA Server <ITS YOUR SERVER >Connect




Step 7. Now, we need create a account and login. Then:





            Next time, you will autologin.


Step 8. Will automatically start voting for the next map, but you can manually select.

            Press "P" to open admin panel.. and go to maps... find your map and start.




Step 9. Finished...




General Observations


This is a basic tutorial, but has a lot of things you can do with all that I have taught.


This method does not allow anyone else to enter your server, to do this requires more advanced methods!


To test the maps on your server all gamemodes have to be in "race", otherwise it will not work!




Posted (edited)

---- How to Make Any Object Invisible and Solid (Can drive above) ----


Step 1. Choose the position of your object:




Step 2. Double click with the left mouse button on your object:




Step 3. Find "scale" and change from 1 to 0:




            When you do this it was ready.







PS: You can't use -1... You can use 2...3...4.... Just test!

But when you use the "scale" greater than 2 only will be solid the size of the original object, ie larger size "scale", can only be used to garnish!
Edited by viiNi

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